I think I put my video camera in the garbage bag by mistake. Is there a way I can get it back?

Garbage was collected on Wednesday yesterday) I think.

  1. If the bag has been picked up, it’s most likely already been taken to the local incineration center. Even if it hasn’t yet been incinerated it will be in a pile of stinky smelly garbage which no-one is going to go through. And even if that was a theoretical possibility, your sensitive electronic device has most likely been part-crushed and/or bathed in garbage juice.

    Your only hope is that the garbage crew noticed something in the bag which shouldn’t be there and left it with a sticker.

  2. It’s already been burned.. I’m really sorry. My friend accidentally threw away a bag with my wallet in it some years ago in the evening and though I called the next morning it was already too late

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