Finished 2.3k deck… but Is there a real-life deck, or a list of common nouns somewhere?

Naturally, the deck designed for use mostly with VNs is not going to tell you what a lemon is, but since I’m going to be taking a trip to Japan soon I’m missing a bunch of daily life core-vocab that I kinda need to know. Are there any recommended lists/sources?

  1. Lemon is レモン lol. However, that aside, drops has a lot of good daily words and travel phrases categories and has five minutes a day free. Otherwise I would recommend picking up some slice of life games and making your own Anki cards. Tomodachi collection is my favorite beginner game, but Animal Crossing, Bokujou Monogatari, and the sims are also possibilities.

  2. Tbh just look for Japanese YouTube channels where they cover “daily words” and such. There are plenty.

    Idk what would be common nouns for just a trip to Japan as you can get by with no Japanese. Trains, stations, street signs are also in English. Many chain restaurants have English menus (just in case you are worried about not being able to get around). You probably know the basics of sumimasen, kudasai, arigatou gozaimasu.

    Off the top of my head here are a few that I learned in my last trip to Japan that stuck with me:

    注意 ちゅうい chuui = be careful/take care. You’ll see and hear this in the train and the stations a lot.

    ふくろ/れじぶくろ Fukuro/rejibukuro = plastic bag, you will be asked about that if you are buying something anywhere. Just say だいじょうぶです daijoubu desu if you don’t need.

    げんきん genkin = cash. You might be asked whether you want to pay by cash or credit card. The latter is obvious, same as English.

    That’s what I can come up with 😂 the latter two were useful nearly daily.

  3. Maybe check out Genki decks? Since each Genki chapter sort of has vocab related to a daily life theme. I would go through the Genki vocab list and see if it suits you. (There will definitely be repeats, so feel free to suspend)

  4. Just like, watch some jp streamers you might like? Vspo is pretty fun.

  5. I exported the N* level decks as well as a deck of all common-but-not-N*-level decks from the Kanji Study app (Android). Ithe N* level decks have about 6k words total (I’ve been learning for about three months now and am a quarter through). The common-but-not-N*-level deck has another 15k. It will be several years before I get through them but I already can tell my vocab is growing nicely.

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