Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don’t need their own posts, and first time posters go here (June 24, 2022)

This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don’t need their own post.

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[Seven Day Archive](https://www.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/search?q=Daily+thread%3A&restrict_sr=on&include_over_18=on&sort=new&t=week) of previous threads. Consider browsing the previous day or two for unanswered questions.

  1. Which is more appropriate for “to keep (something) a secret”: 秘密をする or 秘密にする?

    For example in this phrase この件は秘密~してください

    Is there a more appropriate one? Is one of them wrong? Is 内緒 more natural here?

    Thank you

  2. Kaguya overslept and will be late for 見送り https://imgur.com/a/PjBhZwV

    I am not sure about the meaning of 入れ違い here. Does it mean the person they are 見送り on will be already on plane and it will be too late to meet him?

  3. does the recipient of the させる and られる conjugation always use the に particle when it comes to 2 humans/animals?

  4. Can someone break down what is happening with this (I assume) contraction:

    > 会えなくなっちゃって

    For context, Here is the entire dialogue until this point





    My guess is it may be なる and てしまう and it might be something like

    会えなくなってしまって without a contraction but I get confused by this kind of thing a lot

    **EDIT:** Also if someone has an online resource to point me to which has a lot of common contractions that’d be cool.

  5. Hey do you know any games for practicing kanji with a friend? I have a study buddy online and we are trying to find new and more fun ways of practicing kanji togheter since using anki alone it’s getting bored

  6. How do you say “set the table” as in putting out the knives, forks, napkins etc.?

    I asked this question before but now that I look at my notes I think it’s possible that the person who answered misunderstood my question.

  7. Does anyone here play JP mobile games as immersion? Sorry if I’m asking wrong or being ignorant but do you guys know an efficient way to look up kanji words that I don’t know? The only thing I can do so far is either (1) manually pick its radical on jisho (time-consuming and annoying) or (2) guess the reading and pray I’m right then type the reading on jisho. Any help would be highly appreciated, thanks!! For context, I’ve been looking up kanji on my laptop via yomichan or jisho (copypasting) but it’s not really doable on a mobile game is it…

  8. I don’t have a question I just wanted to say how cool it’s been learning all the kanji for stuff like jutsu(術), rinegan(輪廻眼), byakugan(百眼). I don’t know it just feels cool knowing the original. It feels like your breaking down language barriers that were in place and getting closer to whatever it is you’re interested in. All right that’s it. Have a great day everyone and as always keep immersing. 🥳

  9. Is it advisable to use a translator app or site to know if my Japanese sentence is correct instead of asking a Japanese learner that is more knowledgeable than me if my sentence is correct?

    I sometimes create random sentences in Japanese and check if they are correct using a translator but I sometimes think the translator can be wrong even if the translation is right based on what I was trying to convey so I don’t have a real proof if I was correct.

    Example sentence:
    “`The dog is in the room but now it’s gone.“`

    The translator is correct at what I was trying to convey but I don’t trust it that my Japanese is accurate or correct.

  10. It’s currently Steam Summer Sale right now. I’ve been wondering what games are good for enjoyment and learning while also immersing myself to the language. From what I’ve researched these are the highly praised games in the community. Ni No Kuni Wrath of the White Witch Remastered or Persona 4 Golden. Which one is good? For context I’m currently between N4-N3.

  11. So İ have 2 questions. Why is kimi sometimes in kanji (君) and sometimes in katakana (キミ)? Same for オレ エビ etc.

    Also, 行くよ means “İ will go”, can it also mean “let’s go”? İ know that “let’s go” is 行こう, but İ feel like 行くよ also means “let’s go”

  12. Is this sentence grammatically correct?


  13. obviously far from any amount of fluency but havent studied in a while and just felt like complaining in a different language before i go to work lol.

    i left some extremely basic sentences here for people who are more knowledgeable to judge the understandability of. they are really basic but one critique i have heard of my spanish is that i tend to use english grammar systems in my target language a bit much so sorry if its a bit apparent here but if it is i wouldnt mind someone pointing it out.

    i left the intended meanings in english next to them for you to judge if they were even remotely near what it would be understood as

    毎日、 アメリカの問題は金が弱いです。(the problem in America at the moment is that money is weak)

    ガソリンは高い。(gas is expensive)

    食べ物は高い。(food is expensive)

    ミルクは高い。(milk is expensive)

    今、レストラン料理はスーパより安い。(its even cheaper to eat at restaurants than to buy from the super market)

  14. Just curious about this but do japanese adult know every kanji they come across? I discovered some kanjis that according to jisho have only 1 word like 漲る、混沌、邂逅. Can a random japanese at least read these?

  15. Is there anything I can do to practice speaking japanese? For now all I do is study and learn 20 vocabs everyday and every now and then I try to go to VRchat to try and talk to japanede people but i dont feel like it is good practice.

  16. Hi guys. I am struggling to understand what 前提 means here and how it fits into the sentence.


    The dictionary has more than 5 different meanings for it I am not sure which one it is here.

    1.) premise

    2.) reason

    3.) prerequisite

    4. )condition

    5.) assumption

    6) hypothesis

  17. 僕たちは… 椎菜ちゃんを参加させてあげたいって思ってる。だから、その、椎菜ちゃんと…有月さんのでもあるけど…おかあさんと話をさせてほしいと思ってるんだ

    for context, a guy and his friends want a little girl to participate in a tournament, but her mom won’t let her, so he talks to the little girl’s sister (Arizuki-san) and asks her to let him talk to her mother about it. I’d like to understand のでもある’s role in the sentence. Is a particle being omitted? It just doesn’t seem grammatically right to me.

  18. How do Japanese people refer to Japanese traditional music? With which word/s?


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