6+quake in Ishikawa.

Everyone okay?

  1. My phone started buzzing it’s tits off saying to expect an incoming mag 7. I’m in Yokohama and panicked a bit before seeing where it was. Did anyone else get an alert? Didn’t feel any shaking here.

    Edit: seems like another mag 5 just hit the same place.

  2. Aichi – only felt a faint tremor but it seemed to last quite a while. Hope those nearer the epicentre are okay.

  3. I was riding a train in gunma prefecture. Never heard that many earthquake’s alarm rang at the same time.

    The train is not stopped at all.

  4. I’m in gifu right now, didn’t feel a thing. Was it in the sea close by to ishikawa?

  5. Felt it in Tokyo, but only slightly. Still got the alarm. Seems like it hit a 6+ seismic intensity in northern Ishikawa for the first quake, and then a nasty aftershock. Hope everyone’s okay.

  6. I’m in Okinawa and got the alarm. My notifications alert me of any big earthquake in Japan, just in case there’s an associated tsunami.

  7. Big festival in the Noto every year during Golden Week. Might be some travelers stuck there for a night.

  8. Kanazawa. Threw a few things over in my room that’s it. Hope the northern ishikawa people are fine

  9. Niigata rn. Felt some shaking, but I was in the new Station building, so I guess the anti-shaking works? Everyone in the room panicked a little when they heard the alert though!

  10. Kanazawa here. I was walking my dog at the time and there was quite a bit of shaking (never been outside during an earthquake before, it was like the ground was going to collapse). All fine though. Husband at home said the car was shaking as if a group of people were doing it. Hope everyone is okay.

  11. Ishikawa here, was in the home office. watched everything shake for quite awhile, probably the strongest I ever felt at home

  12. I’m kanagawa so its fine, but my doggy barks whenever she hears the alerts. good doggy.

  13. Suzu resident here (at the epicenter). A lot of collapsed buildings, Torii gates crumbled, fallen rocks. We had a 6弱 last year, this one was definitely stronger. Very scary. Wayyy too many earthquakes up here in Noto.

  14. Got an alert in Miyagi but we didn’t feel anything. Hope everyone is okay in Ishikawa!

  15. When I heard I thought it was Ishikawa up the road from me in Okinawa. We’ve been getting more earthquakes than usual off the coast of Katsuren.

    Hope everyone’s ok!

  16. Was having a bbq on 7F in Kanazawa, felt it but our 2 y.o. was more excited than scared.

  17. Kanazawa too, I was outside so didn’t even feel the ground shaking that much. Hearing all the alarms blast from everyone’s phone was scary though, specially being a tourist and having never heard that alarm before. It took me like 2 seconds to realize my phone was making noises too!

  18. Kobe – felt it, but only because the alerts gave me a countdown as to when to expect it.

  19. On a ski hill between Nagano/Niigata. Snowboarding on the bottom of the ski hill and saw all chairlifts stopping and then I felt the shake. I thought my blood pressure was suddenly dropping first. It only lasted for about 10 seconds and this was my first proper earthquake!

    Locals were unfazed and I felt pretty safe on the open slope.

  20. Felt nothing in Kyoto. I’m seemingly always oblivious to feeling earthquakes.

  21. East coast got it bad for a bit but now Noto seems to get hit often.

    Todays cell phone alarm was loud. Never heard that version before

  22. Definitely the longest one I’ve felt in the last five years in Toyama, where we usually top out at a 2 or 3 with the ones that hit Noto, but they tend to just be a few shifts and then done. We’re top floor of an old RC building, so it feels strong up here at a level 4. I manned the dish shelf and my partner grabbed the dog, only a little splish splash from the aquarium and medaka bowls in the end.

  23. And another one, not quite as strong–5 up in Noto, 3 here in kanazawa.

  24. Kanazawa here, my phone going off scared me more than the earthquake to be honest.

    Also it knocked a bunch of my stuff over, including my bicycle. Rude.

  25. Niigata (Nishi-ku) checking in.

    At around 2pm today I got the first warning while I was working in my home office. Now pregnant wife and our 4 year old were out to return some books at the local library so I was freaking out. Turns out they were driving when it happened and didn’t feel it much at all. Looking out the window I could visibly see houses moving back and fourth.

    Then around 10pm this evening my phone went off again, everyone was in bed. Not as long as the last one but felt similar in strength. My 4 year old son was freakin’ out for a little bit but as I write this he is asleep now. He insisted I take him with me to check around the house, and we had some fun with the NERV app, which I suggest getting as it’s super accurate.

  26. Got a pretty big one like an hour ago here. We are fine here. But pretty much everyone is at full alert.

    I have to say, i have never experienced this big in my 8 years here in japan.

    Edit: I am here in kanazawa.

  27. Was in kaga at the time, it didn’t feel too bad. Everyone in Fukui felt it too. My first earthquake though, so I was super freaked!

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