Will prior unemployment in Japan impact a new visa/CoE application?

I used to be a resident of Japan on a three-year working status of residence. This was over five years ago. About 1.5 years into that status, I decided to quit the job I had because the working conditions were quite bad (power harassment, etc.). I reported leaving this job to immigration as required.

I filed for unemployment and began a job search. I knew at the time that the general rule was “find a job within three months” on a working status, but also that you can go beyond that as long as you present evidence to immigration of looking for a job (if they ask). In my case, they did not ask, but I had plenty of evidence (HelloWork job applications, interviews, etc.)

My job search wasn’t successful, and I ended up finding a job in my home country after nine months being unemployed.

Years later, I’m now looking to come back with a new job. Is the fact that I was unemployed for nine months (technically six months beyond the guideline) and collected my unemployment benefit on a prior working status going to be a problem with immigration for issuing a new CoE?

Note that I did not overstay the actual residence status, and did all the proper moving out procedures, tax, and pension payments.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Will prior unemployment in Japan impact a new visa/CoE application?**

    I used to be a resident of Japan on a three-year working status of residence. This was over five years ago. About 1.5 years into that status, I decided to quit the job I had because the working conditions were quite bad (power harassment, etc.). I reported leaving this job to immigration as required.

    I filed for unemployment and began a job search. I knew at the time that the general rule was “find a job within three months” on a working status, but also that you can go beyond that as long as you present evidence to immigration of looking for a job (if they ask). In my case, they did not ask, but I plenty of evidence (HelloWork job applications, interviews, etc.)

    My job search wasn’t successful, and I ended up finding a job in my home country after nine months being unemployed.

    Years later, I’m now looking to come back with a new job. Is the fact that I was unemployed for nine months (technically six months beyond the guideline) and collected my unemployment benefit on a prior working status going to be a problem with immigration for issuing a new CoE?

    Note that I did not overstay the actual residence status, and did all the proper moving out procedures, tax, and pension payments.

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  2. It sounds like you did everything right. Immigration isn’t going to hold shit luck against you as long as you followed all the rules.

    So I’m sure you’ll be fine.

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