MoCa Ethernet over coax with jcom?

Alright so we moved into a new built 3 stories house that didn’t have Lan cable (just coax) to add insult to injury, when Nuro came over the week before I moved in to install fiber, I was told it wasn’t possible and they made a mistake approving the installation, then said it would take a few months to make it happen. I was stuck getting cable internet from jcom and while it’s not great, it does the job.
However, the heated floor on 2f where the router is kind of interferes with the wifi into the room below.
I’ve tried extenders and mesh but I always lose the signal at some point and for zoom meeting it’s not ideal.
I’ve solve the problem using power line adapter, but the speed drops significantly.

I’ve been looking at getting MoCa adapters and read good things online but nothing from Japan really. Anyone has any experience with them especially in conjunction with jcom?


  1. tl;dr: it’ll probably work.

    iirc with jcom you have the main coax link where the modem goes and then the rest of the connections in different rooms are off splitters.

    moca uses 850 to 1500 mhz, which is above terrestrial but may conflict with satellite (950-2150) if you have that mixed into your coax from the roof antenna.

    All of JCOM TV channels are in VHF and UHF from 90 to ~700ish MHz. So should be no problem.

    So, technically speaking it *should* work. You cannot get your builder/whatever to run some ethernet through the existing ducts?

  2. Not Jcom but I use MoCA adapters in my home network and it’s great. Just a couple of points to consider,

    1. I don’t have an antenna so my coax is only used for networking. Some adapters don’t have a split to keep a tv connection

    2. My first adapters were a cheap pair from Amazon that max out at 100Mbps and had to be used as a set (you couldn’t use all your coax connection points as possible network connections.

    I replaced that pair with MoCA2.0 adapters and they’re truly amazing, instantly created a 2Gbps network with connection points throughout the house. But, the adapters are expensive and typically not available in Japan. I bought mine on Amazon JP but they came from abroad.

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