Moving to Okinawa from Tokyo

Looking to see if anyone has suggesions on moving companies/transportation advice. I currently have a car and a motorcycle. I had hoped there was a ferry I could drive the car to near Tokyo to get down to Okinawa and then fly back for the motorcycle while my household items are on a ship somewhere. In my recent searching of the internets, I am finding the only ferry I can transport a car on is all the way in Kagoshima….1400km drive to get on a 25 hour ferry. If thats what it is, so be it, I will have to find a shipping company for the bike though(maybe the same conex as the household items…mostly boxes and plastic bins full of stuff). I have reached out to a few companies but am looking for suggestions if anyone has them (aside from selling the car and motorcycle). The new job wants me on site on June 1 and its turning out to be a bit more hectic than I thought it would be.

  1. You might have more luck shipping the car from Tokyo. I honestly have no experience in Japan, but in Europe getting a private car shipped is not too expensive.

  2. Could you transport the bike with the car ?

    Could you take several ferry :

    **option 1**

    Tokyo -> Kitakyushu : ferry

    Kitakyushu -> Kagoshima : car with bike in it or so

    Kagoshima -> Okinawa

    **option 2**

    Tokyo -> Osaka : car with bike in it or so

    Osaka -> Naha : ferry (if the route still exist) or Osaka -> Kagoshima / Kagoshima -> Naha


    [map 2](

    If you look for map of ferry route there are not always the same

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