Marrying and completing spouse visa process within the 3 month travel limit

Me and my fiancé were looking at visa information today and found that the visa process for spouses moving to Japan moves pretty quick, and wondered if we could get married and finish the visa process within the 3 month time limit. It would save me an extra plane ride and ticket if we could. I am a US citizen, I don’t know if that changes anything.

  1. This is a copy of your post for archive/search purposes.

    **Marrying and completing spouse visa process within the 3 month travel limit**

    Me and my fiancé were looking at visa information today and found that the visa process for spouses moving to Japan moves pretty quick, and wondered if we could get married and finish the visa process within the 3 month time limit. It would save me an extra plane ride and ticket if we could. I am a US citizen, I don’t know if that changes anything.

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  2. Just to be certain, your fiancé is a Japanese national (or a permanent resident) yes?

    Before you’re able to get married in Japan you’d need to get a declaration of some sort from your countries embassy that says you’re free to marry. I don’t know what the process is like for Americans (the information should be on their website though). -edit-

    Once you’re legally married in Japan you’d need to apply for a change of status. This should give you an automatic two month extension on your current status. There was a fellow in here recently who mistakenly applied for a CoE and did not get this extension and was forced to take a rush trip to Korea. So be careful that you’re applying for the correct thing (eg, not a visa).

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