Need a translation help please

My (F33) very dear friend from Japan (F37) stopped responding to my emails, messages and removed his social accounts a while ago. I know he struggles with his mental health and did that plenty times in the last decade but now he’s been out out of scope for over a year. I did saved his mum phone number when we were all together in japan a few years ago and I this is my only contact person. I was hoping for some to translate this wee message I could send to her. I don’t want to use Google translate as she is quite old and want to have a proper translation that she will understand. Please help if you can.

Mrs Watanabe
I’m Kate, we met in Tokyo and had a dinner with you, my friend Alex and your son Koji in a bbq restaurant in October 2019. I wanted to check if your son is well as I can’t get hold of him. I would appreciate any information of his well being and knowing he is okay. Hope you are also doing well. Thank you and warm greetings.

  1. I hope your friend gets better soon, you can get help at r/translator

    On that sub, 50% of the requests are Japanese related, so it will probably be of great help

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