Is this intentional?

Maybe I’m looking too far into this for no reason, but the kanji for rain (雨) almost looks like it has little rain in the middle and I always thought that was pretty nice, but I’m curious if its intentional or just a coincidence (it sorta looks like youre looking at rain through sliding glass doors)

  1. Yea, some Chinese characters are pictograms. The one for umbrella is too 傘

    歯 tooth/teeth is a simplified version of 齒 which is a representation of a mouth with teeth.

    Always found these kanji pretty cool.

  2. Mnemonics is very good for character type languages. That’s how I studied simplifed Chinese when I was young. When I started learning Japanese, I used wanikani since it’s a lot easier for someone else to associate traditional letters for me haha.

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