Beginner trying to learn japanese

Hey im just starting to learn Japanese im currently on day 4(im starting with getting hiragana down pact) and i was just wondering how do i start to translate hiragana to katakana so i can start to work towards that if you you have any tips or software/applications for me to use that’d be much appreciated.

  1. I actually preferred using Duolingo for Hiragana/Katakana, then went to Anki to start vocab.

    Really any method works. I would also recommend writing them down to get correct stroke order, since it’s very important to get it correct as to not build bad habit.

  2. I just drilled it by writing it down just over and over again. For katakana, for reading, try looking at some japanese fast food menus

  3. I’ve been learning hiragana and katakana on They have guides with mnemonic devices for each symbol and quizzes for practicing.

  4. After you get past hiragana and katakana which should take a few weeks or less, I am a big fan of the Tango Anki decks starting with Tango N5 for vocabulary. They are set up in an i +1/1t format which means they teach you with sentences but every sentence only has 1 new word. That way you see the words and grammar you have learned over and over in a natural way. I used them myself and then moved in to sentence mining later on to get to a good level of japanese.

    When it comes to starting japanese I pretty much agree with everything in this video except I prefer the free Migaku Kanji God addon Anki addon over RTK. The addon creates RTK style cards which are based on the kanji coming up in your Anki decks.

  5. I just used Tofugu for Hiragana and Katakana. Only took a day or two. Then practiced with Duolingo which has a really useful section for beginners called, “learn the characters”. If you regularly practice typing in Japanese, kana will quickly become natural to you.

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