What happens if you follow a Nigerian tout into a bar, but without cards and just some cash?

The other day I was accosted by some touts in Kabukicho. Walked away quickly, knowing full well how the scam works, where they drug you and bill your card crazy amounts if you take a drink, and if it’s a “titty bar” and you so much as step foot in the place, you won’t be allowed to leave unless you pay a crazy amount.

What happens if you don’t carry your card and just some cash with you? Do they physically hold you until someone can come with the money? Do they issue a crazy large invoice and tell you that you need to pay it (“with a threat to come after you legally if you don’t) or just kick you out? Or do they actually physically harm you at that point?

Asking out of curiosity, not because I plan on trying this (and no one should)

  1. What happens if you go to a restaurant without money and can’t pay the bill?

    If they’ve drugged you, they’d probably just drop you outside on the street.

    Edit: I also think you are conflating two scams: 1) hidden fees,overpriced bar where they have no issue contacting the cops, and 2) third party scammers that drug you and take you around to cooperating bars. I don’t think many bars directly drug you, but I may be wrong.

  2. Usually by this point your memory has stopped already so who’s to say?

  3. Go to 711 and buy beer and talk to chicks on the sidewalk. I’m not sure why people are keen on going to obviously sketchy places and expect to be treated with dignity. Or hell go to a regular bar, those places serve beer too.

  4. well, this isn’t exactly a standardized procedure so you’ll hardly find a guide with the exact steps. given they have you drugged and can probably figure out that you tried to fuck with them, maybe they’ll throw you into a dirty ditch? pee on you? they can hardly bring you to a koban and say that they drugged you up and now you can’t even pay the equivalent of the pills they wasted on you, right? they also won’t physically assault you *too much*, since again the last thing they wanna do is draw attention to the guy they just drugged and planned to rob.
    my guess is they’d make a half assed attempt at figuring out if they can still get money from you, like if you live close enough or there’s someone nearby you know who they can contact and say you racked up a bill and they’ll call the police if the acquaintance doesn’t pay for you or whatever. but after that they’d probably just send you out into the night in your half-asleep, drugged up state, which doesn’t sound fun either.

  5. First day of JET orientation in Tokyo and this happened to a guy. They just beat the shit out of him. Later he was kicked out of the Keio for buying a load of live crabs and fish at Tsukiji and storing them in the bath. He was never heard from again.

  6. F around and find out, dude.

    I would assume they’d rob you and beat you until you consent to have someone accompany you home to get money, cash or your card to withdraw.

    Good luck fighting back or running away drugged btw.

    If you live far or fail to cooperate, well, people do seem to just evaporate sometimes around there.

    They even have a word for it 蒸発

  7. I always wonder, is it that type of business that brings those guys over to Japan anyway? Like does one of their buddies say “hey you should come over to Japan, you can have a great job scamming other foreigners and beating the shit out of them”… Like do they just stay for years making a so-called career out of that? I’m so curious about how they even get into that

  8. A friend did this years ago in Roppongi (2003), by the time he called me and I got to him, he was badly beatup and looked super drunk. The thugs had thrown him against the glass front of a closed store and left. I went to get him upon calling and he just mentioned he got into a fight, it didn’t click until much later.

  9. Agree to being led into a titty bar knowingly without any cash or cards and drinking there? Yeah you’d be beaten the ever loving crap out of lol, don’t do it.

  10. My friend said he had no cash just an atm card. So they sent him and one of the scammy Japanese girls out to get some cash (meant to be 100,000). My friend ended up offering the girl 50,000 at the ATM and they slept together

  11. I like how people that have no clue what the Nigerians are about act like they know what it’s about

  12. you may be drugged and find yourself losing a kidney or two when you wake up

  13. Did it. Walked inside, took a look around, turned sround and left. Do not touch anything, do not let them buy you a drink, introduce you to a girl, nothing.

    Even taking a look isn’t worth it, unless you’re into elderly Filipinas.. if that’s the case, follow away.

  14. Exactly what I wonder, like a reasonable amount, say 20,000, you know you’re going to drink and throw some money at the girls but when you’ve spent 20k you get up and leave. Like that’s what I don’t understand about the strip clubs here why can’t you just go, pay for what you consume and leave, why are there so many intent on larceny?

  15. What would happen if a victim were to approach the same bar the next evening with some friends and demand resit? Edit. Restitution, wtf is rasit?

    Or, as an American, what if I just report my cc lost?

  16. One or more of the following will happen:

    – You will get beat up
    – You will be drugged and taken to an ATM
    – The cops will be called and you will be forced to pay (yes, many of these are “legitimate” businesses, so unless you can prove you were scammed you’re gonna pay)

  17. I did this in Roppingi one time. I had a couple drinks with one of the bar girls there, paid cash, and left after like an hour. I was planning on sleeping in my office nearby, and was super adamant about getting back to my bicycle parked nearby (my only true love). I woke up in some bushes fairly near my office with one hand around my handlebar and some cops asking me what the fuck happened.

  18. They called the police on me because I only had cash on me. The police then marched me to an ATM and made me take out the 150,000 yen which the Nigerian cunts were demanding.

    Learned my lesson that night!

  19. If it was only the exorbitant costs of these bars I could understand why the police and government have little power to stop them but how they fuck do they get away with drugging customers too? It’s not acceptable to just say “Well everyone should do their research and know before hand not to go”.

  20. Everyone on this post hasn’t actually been to one nor has watched any actual people go to these bars and deal with the police on the issue.

    I followed one once just to see what would happen. Nothing really did was just a normal bar with girls and music, I said “Great, don’t really want anything was just curious so i’ll be going”.

    Left without any hassle. Wasn’t any real big deal, most likely all good unless you start ordering.

    If I remember correctly, they were foreign girls working there.

    Also Police if they come won’t force you to pay, they actually take a stand of “not getting involved” there is a video of a Japanese youtuber whom goes to one and then goes to the police with one of the people from the bar and the police state we aren’t getting involved in these type of disputes.

  21. The night I got drugged in Roppongi a decade ago I remember suddenly being at a konbini with a dude and a chick telling me to withdraw some insane amount of money. I just laughed and told them I didn’t think I even had enough in my account to make a minimum withdrawal. Dude told me to do it anyway and as I went through the motions and the system showed my 876 yen balance he just told me to fuck off and walked away. Ah, the eikaiwa days.

  22. If you can make the choices that you are proposing, you best option is to go somewhere else. Never go to a place that a tout recommends

  23. Went to Uni here with large Foreign Population.
    One of my classmates was a Nigerian who owned a bar in Shinjuku.
    We actually had student events at his bar which let us rent out at incredibly cheap discounts.

    I think there is a certain percentage of them that could possibly have legit customers?

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