Has there been a more impressive assemblage, to hold the 6-man championship? MOTN, in my opinion: master-seller Tanahashi rekindling his classic feud with killer Suzuki; Narita mirroring Kiyomiya in his challenge to Okada; the always welcome and riveting Ishii/Desby pairing. Fantastic stuff.

Has there been a more impressive assemblage, to hold the 6-man championship? MOTN, in my opinion: master-seller Tanahashi rekindling his classic feud with killer Suzuki; Narita mirroring Kiyomiya in his challenge to Okada; the always welcome and riveting Ishii/Desby pairing. Fantastic stuff.

  1. You cannot forget to mention the underlying story thats been brewing for like 5 years at this point; Ishii hates non-CHAOS guys. Everytime he tags with them things go bad. Ishii and Tana had so many fumbles in this match. Tanahashi was so happy to get a handshake in the end, but Ishii really looked like he fucking hated being there. He only did it for Okada.

    Like, its been so long, i dont know if this is Ishii’s perma character or are we EVENTUALLY gonna see Ishii snap on Okada??

    EDIT – Someone in a discord server pointed potential [foreshadowing](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/807030780777332767/1103705280568627310/IMG_0535.png) from Tanahashi’s backstage comments.

  2. >Has there been a more impressive assemblage to hold the 6-man championship?


  3. It’s still crazy seeing Okada wear a belt that’s not the World Championship.

    Once Ospreay is 100%, I want him and Aussie Open to challenge these three, provided they’re still Champions by then. That’d be a GOATED match.

  4. I will remind you that the original NEVER trio champs were Yano and the Briscoes.

  5. Between the three of them, they have 48 matches that got 5 or 5+ stars.


  6. It’s a great move from NJPW. Elevates the belts, elevates Ishii some more (even though he doesn’t need it) and just gives 3 guys something to do while other pieces fall into place

  7. Seeing Okada with a title except the world title is really weird to me😅

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