Debilitating high pitched ultrasounds

Hi there!

My partner and I are having our second day in Tokyo together, and our first impression of it is awesome! However, there are so many places that made us runaway due to migraine-causing ultrasounds.

Matsuya Asakusa – we couldn’t shop. All the entrances have a device for it, we’re in our early twenties and couldn’t stay anywhere more than 2 minutes because of it.

Most train stations, the Sky Tree, some restaurants, near some temples. It’s quite intense.

My question is:
Obviously all the older people around can’t hear it, but it seems like all the young people our age around us were walking by completely unphased by it.
How? Why? Does it damage your hearing enough after a while and you just don’t hear it anymore?

  1. I think your hearing might be overly sensitive if all the young people around you are unphased especially since those areas you mentioned would attract young people from all around the world and not just locals who could have gotten used to it.

    Edit: A quick google says Tokyo has a huge rodent problem (like most mega cities) and the device is a ultrasonic rodent repellent which most people shouldn’t be able to hear.

  2. I wouldn’t say it’s that bad for me, but there is several places where I can hear it like at one exit of shibuya station. For sure it can be annoying and I do not want to hang there.

    I am in my late 30 and do not think my earring is that good (I actually have problem when here is music too loud, like I have to wear earplugs if I go to concerts).

  3. We noticed them too. At the area coming out of the metro in skytree it was terrible lol

  4. I’ve noticed it too. I’m in my late 20s. It’s so weird that the local youth and kids don’t hear it. Does someone know what’s it for?

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