7 day Itenerary, chill edition

Im a pretty simple person and can be easily entertained by most things. I really like nature and new experiences. No real solid plan for Day 6 so suggestions could always help. 😉 thanks

DAY 1[HND to Hotel]:
Land at Haneda airport and head straight to hotel in Asakusa , maybe walk around the area b4 bead (arriving pretty late)

DAY 2 [Asakusa]:
Go to thrift shops and explore Asakusa more in the daytime and look at shrines

Day 3 [Osaka]:
Explore Osaka and do go karts in the street as well as buy vintage video games, then take train to visit Nara Park for the rest of the day

Day 4 [Hiroshima]:
Visit the Hiroshima mueseum
Also take the ferry to Bunny island
Take ferry back to mainland and eat local food

Day 5 [Shibuya]:
Land back in Tokyo aka Shibuya explore till my hotel check in time.
See and look around shinjuku and shibuya

Day 6 [Ryogoku]:
Travel to the other side of Tokyo near Ryogoku
Explore central tokyo more

Day 7 [Ryogoku to HND]:
Go watch the Sumo tournament for a few hours then travel bavk to Haneda Airport

*Most of my stay and traveling is in capsule hotels and overnight buses, but of course in some areas I splurged on cool hotels*

  1. For a chill itinerary this feels pretty rushed.one day in Tokyo, one day in osaka, barely a day in horishima, then back to tokyo.

    Definitely personal preference.

  2. This is your first time in Japan? Because it look very rushed plan imo.

    For 7 days I should stay in a “small area”

    Example 1: Tokyo (Yokohama, Kawagoe) + Nakano +Takano + Kamakura and Eboshima

    Example 2 : Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, maybe biwa lake + Okayama/Hiroshima

  3. A billion people are going to say this, but whyyyyyyyyy. For 7 days you’ll have a much better time if you just stay in Tokyo. There are so many beautiful things to explore there. This itinerary is so rushed and wastes so much precious time.

  4. There’s way better places than shinjuku and Shibuya in Tokyo

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