Japanese with Shun – Podcast 1

I’m a beginner learning Japanese (6 months) and I thought it’d be fun to listen to Shun’s YouTube podcast (linked below) and write the transcript for it. Here’s episode 1! Feel free to join me for some extra listening and writing practice 🙂

Transcript: [https://imgur.com/gallery/Te3oYrx](https://imgur.com/gallery/Te3oYrx) (Please let me know if I made any mistakes!)

Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlZx\_o60qAs&list=PLUqu4MKiV5q83qPR7zI7w7ucLWerAT0R5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OlZx_o60qAs&list=PLUqu4MKiV5q83qPR7zI7w7ucLWerAT0R5)

  1. your penmanship is amazing, so clean. How long until you were able to read and write at a comfortable and decent pace?

  2. Wow what a confidence boost! This would’ve been indecipherable to me 6 months ago, but I understood nearly all of that without looking anything up! Excellent penmanship btw.

  3. One thing that immediately stands out is that the characters look a lot like the typical Japanese typeface which is actually not quite correct. You should look up rules for handwriting and change your approach as quickly as possible so you don’t end up developing lasting bad habits that’ll be a pain to unlearn later. For reference, compare these kanji from your text to their properly written counterpart:

    [趣](https://imgur.com/a/1TpHjnd), [愛](https://imgur.com/a/REsa5pt), [運](https://imgur.com/a/N2nTRye), [練](https://imgur.com/a/A5m2XFv), [語](https://imgur.com/a/zoSJoem), [好](https://imgur.com/a/gP0FTpE), [知](https://imgur.com/a/9GsEZXX), [私](https://imgur.com/a/tw135LX), [皆](https://imgur.com/a/us8DGg6), [食](https://imgur.com/a/SCFIL7Z), [念](https://imgur.com/a/rAwWJD4)

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