Single button press to Hiragana from any layout (AutoHotKey workaround)

>!one simple trick, IME creators hate him!<

This topic tends to be a bit controversial, so I don’t really care about upvotes or downvotes, the only thing I want is to share another working solution to A/あ Windows IME problem (both Google and MS).

My script is extremely simple if not bare-bones, since I am an absolute AutoHotKey noob and haven’t used it earlier. So you can understand everything my script does without any AHK knowledge. It basically “presses” a shortcut for Japanese and then “presses” some sort of a Kana button we gaijins don’t have.

The script, exe and full explanation are in here:


(I am very new to GitHub so let me know if I posted a wrong/broken link)

The whole process is basically setting up a shortcut for Japanese in Windows and launching the script via AHK or EXE. That’s it, a single button press takes you to Hiragana from any selected layout.

To keep it simple I only included two buttons – Capslock as “straight to hiragana” and Tab as “cycle through layouts and skip A”.

You can modify the script further to make it more comfortable for yourself and then compile your own EXE. I personally have F1-F3 for my three layouts and don’t use the cycle option at all.

If it helps someone else I’ll be happy. My life is not cursed with *direct input* anymore, and I want the same for you. Cheers.

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