Anyone know how beginner-friendly the Claymore manga is?

I’m going to buy vol. 1 of the Claymore manga for reading practice. I’m wondering how advanced/beginner-friendly it’ll be.

Edit: Thank you for all the help everyone. You gave me some great resources I didn’t know about, and I really appreciate it.

  1. LearnNatively’s website has it ranked at difficulty level 24 in their manga section. If nobody gives you a better answer, I find I can get a pretty good idea of the level of challenge of something by looking at what else is rated a similar difficulty

  2. Most manga aren’t beginner friendly, they are written for native speakers.

  3. If you love it then just do it in my opinion. You have to start somewhere but the trial by fire approach works when you genuinely enjoy something. From looks of it, it has a furigana but the dialogue is not intended to be for easy reading. Still you might find it fun to tackle it anyway. Just focus on enjoyment over pure understanding, if you forget that it’s in another language because you’re so absorbed it’ll probably help more in the long run.

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