Gym won’t lower AC temperature

I go to a certain 24 hour chain gym, and it’s getting kinda hot in there.

I asked them if they could lower the temperature, and they said they’d only do it if enough people complained. So I asked, in Summer, do enough people usually complain? The dude just said “hmm, yes I agree it is hot, I’ll let my boss know”

The fuck? Are you telling me that they just leave the AC on the setting it was set for Winter, and only change it when enough people can’t gaman anymore and complain?

Because if that’s the case I honestly don’t see them changing it.

Just my gym or what?

To be clear, I’m complaining about the fact that the AC isn’t changed at all as it is in other places, not that they wouldn’t listen to my request.

  1. My old gym would be constantly 20 degrees, winter or summer.

    Depends, but they would also change the temperature when someone asked.

  2. You can put on sunglasses and a fake mustache and complain, then stuff your clothes and put on a wig and then complain again.
    Keep on going until they change the temperature.

  3. I quit mine from June to October because I was using it in the morning before the staff arrive and it was too hot. This was back when we had to wear a mask too. I also told them why, although I expect it won’t make any difference.

    Perhaps my location was lowering the AC after 10 am when the staff arrives but I am not even sure they do it then. They are stingy as fuck in Japan about this kind of thing. They call it “eco” but I think it comes down to paying the cost of the electricity bills tbh.

  4. I work in a food court and it’s hot as balls. Boss said we can only increase our stores AC but can’t do anything about the food court’s. Watched many customers fanning themselves from the heat yesterday so I guess it’s a Japanese thing. I went to the Subway for lunch and that was blissfully cooled by an AC, and my boss said if he was in charge he would have turned in the AC but it seems place dependant.

  5. When I first got to Japan, I had the same problem. I asked about it and was told the temperature was set to 26C, or about 80F. The main clientele of the gym were old people in those sweating tracksuits, just walking on treadmills. The gym wasn’t about to disappoint them by showing them how little they exercise they were actually getting. I canceled my membership.

  6. I finally quit the gym where I was a member because of the hot temperature and the non-stop blaring gangsta rap. One of the instructors there told me that if they lowered the temperature the women would complain that it was too cold. We bought our own equipment and set up our own gym at home.

  7. Aside from gyms, my observation is that people from Europe / North America have completely different temperature tolerance level compared to the Japanese. Whenever we had white visitors at my company, we lowered the temperature in advance.

  8. my gym is hot in the summer and they use the heat too high in the winter …. It’s always hot … except maybe early spring

  9. My anytime is annoying. They dont have the typical policy of cold on arbitrary date hot on arbitrary date. Instead they adjust it as the weather changes it seems. Sounds good right?
    If its been warm in march and there is a sudden day where the temperature drops from the consist 18 to 14? They max out that shit to inferno. Then if its back to the usual they change it again to normal.
    If there is one day that is 22 instead? Turn that place into an igloo(lucky for me im happy with igloo setting permanently as i het really hot when i work out).

    For some reason they cannot deal with alight deviations from the average. I miss my home country gyms where I basically never even had to think about it and always felt comfortable. People would wear a hoody if they felt cold instead of forcing everyone who gets hot when they workout to bear an inferno.

  10. In the gym now. Absolutely dying. It’s raining so the windows are closed too. Let’s just say this is NOTHING compared to mid summer.

  11. Black man. I almost always agree with how Japanese people use the AC.

    My white friends absolutely hate it tho.

  12. When I moved into my dorm and first turned on the AC.

    It was set to 28 C.

    WHO IN THE FUCK likes their room that temperature?!
    My room at home was literally 18

  13. What’s the temperature set at? What part of Japan is this? What temperature are you comfortable at? Those three questions will determine your actual answer.

    Down in Fukuoka, the perfect temperature is 26°C and everyone is used to that. If you become acclimated to that environment, 22° or so will start to feel a bit cold. If you live up in Aomori or Hokkaido, I would assume things are very different. Tokyo is also probably different as well.

    Also, I have heard so many foreigners complaining about Fukuoka weather and just not realizing that it’s only them; all the Japanese people around them aren’t even sweating. You may need to learn to adapt. Or, maybe not, depending on your answers.

  14. My local pool just switched to summer pricing which I assumed meant the crazy heating would finally be switched off. Not so. Hot and sunny outside (20C+) and even hotter inside (31C).

  15. Japanese are very averse to lowering temperatures. Probably build that Summer tolerance.

  16. Speaking of temperatures, my Daiei never uses AC: it’s cold there all year round. In winter there is no heating, now it’s cold because of all the fridges (like you don’t wanna be there cold). I do not know how people work there, I’d freeze to death in that uniform. I feel like I need to change clothes if I plan to visit the store or make it super quick.

  17. Was thinking about joining a gym. After reading the comments I think I’m just going to skip it.

  18. I’m at a 24 hour place and on the hotter days recently they upped the AC accordingly. It’s going to move the way most people want it.

    There are dozen of stories of hot gaijin and freezing locals to go around. I’ve seen Japanese colleagues with electric foot heaters on in the summer because 26 is too cold.

  19. True northerner here. I don’t get why Americans complain about hot rooms, but the difference between outside and inside temperatures in summer should not exceed eight degrees. So, if it’s 35 outside, A/C set to 28 is perfect. Maybe dress down.

  20. There should be a post filter to stop the Reddit being bogged down with shite like this

  21. Moneybags over here can afford a gym with AC and he still complaining…smh

  22. I’ve never been to a Japanese gym yet. However, when I went to one in Canada, they always kept it a nice 16c. It was amazing. I’ve noticed people wear jackets and touques in 30c weather here, so I’m not surprised 🤣

  23. You could accidentally forget to put on deodorant before going. I’ve seen my work lower the Aircon temp when a co-worker was smelling particularly ripe.

    If that doesn’t work you could fake a heat stroke and call the ambulance on yourself…

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