Sewers/seamstresses: recycling fabric scraps through the city?

I’m based in Nagoya and I’m moving into a smaller apartment. I have to downsize my stuff as much as possible so I’m looking on how to ditch my unused fabric scraps that I have left (which is a lot) as I’m not gonna be able to do anything with them for awhile.

The recycle page for Nagoya city doesn’t mention fabric scraps. I can’t find anything on Google besides “5 ways to use your fabric scraps!” articles.

Anyone here ever get rid of their scraps through the recycling centers? I’d feel bad for throwing them in the burnable.

  1. Low key I’m a quilter in Nagoya and I’d love to nab some scraps.

  2. Try to offer the scraps. fb or here. A lot of housewives will gladly take them

  3. Try some of the recycle shops in Osu Kannon that have specialize in fabric and clothing. They might be willing to take them to resell or give away.

  4. Maybe offer them up on Chubu Treasure Trove or Mottainai Nagoya Freemarket on Facebook

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