Has anyone seen a speech language pathologist, infant feeding therapist, or occupational therapist for their baby?

What are they called here? How was your experience?
We’ve seen a pediatrician and lactation consultant about breastfeeding issues. He is healthy and gaining fine on pumped milk, but I’d like to see a specialist before giving up on nursing. Especially because issues transferring milk can indicate an issue that may arise later on. Thanks.

  1. Sorry, I have no experience with it myself but you could google 育児相談室 ikuji soudanshitsu around your location. Usually your pediatrician should be able to give you an adresse. Another place to ask for is your city + 子ども教育相談センター or 窓口or something like this.
    Edit: most of the specialist are (also) called by the English (katakana) name.

  2. Speech pathologist here. I can answer general questions for you, but in terms of speech and language services, you may want to contact the Japanese Association of Speech-Language-Hearing Therapists to find a licensed person in your area. The following link is the first of more than five pages of places that provide services in the Tokyo metropolitan area. If you let me know where you live, I can find links to your area. There are also many sites with lots of really good information on speech and language development that I can show you if you like. In addition, in every place that we have lived, the city has had a person (usually a nurse) who can come to your house and provide consulting for any area of child development and services available.

  3. If you come up with anything substantial in the Tokyo/Kanagawa area, I’d be very interested to know. Our eldest just turned five and still isn’t on solids, but getting anything close to a consolidated treatment plan just seems to get a massive shrug in response.

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