Secret to a great gyudon?

Even the chain store bought gyudon tastes amazing in Japan. However, it never tastes that good in abroad. Somehow the meat tastes wrong(Either too dry or too oily or often missing the usual taste)

1. Does anyone know what the gyudon stores abroad are doing wrong?

2. What kind of meat would be the best to use?

3. If you have a good recipe & could share it here, your help would be truly appreciated.

Gyudon lover ♥️

  1. Thinly sliced beef, make a high quality sauce with real homemade dashi and simmer the onions first. Maybe get some beef tallow in it first

  2. MSG. It’s not the bogeyman they made it out to be in the 90s. Sodium amplifies neural/nervous signals, including flavors. Sure, you can OD on salt like anything else but sodium and fat are the restaurant’s weapon to deliver flavor.

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