Fresh off the boat – how to streamline the initial administrative procedures?

My last long-term stay predates the MyNumber scheme (I’m \*old\*).

Could someone please help me with the two questions included in the table below? I’m trying to see if any of these steps can be streamlined to make the process as efficient and painless as possible. Should it be relevant, I’ll be in Tokyo and using Japanese isn’t an issue.

I’d also be interested to hear if anyone has had to submit ‘proof of employment’ when going through similar administrative procedures, such as when renting an apartment, opening a bank account or applying for a credit card. Apparently such requests are on the rise and, if so, I would like to agree a template with my employer in advance.

Thank you!


|Receive Residence Card at airport (在留カード)|Upon arrival in Japan|Provided by default at your designated port of arrival. If you change dates/ports, you’ll need to pick the card up separately|
|Register at local ward office (住民登録)|Within 14 days of moving to your new fixed/permanent address|As part of this process, you are now assigned a My Number by default (physical cards have to be applied for separately – see below). Note that you are n*ot* expected to be registering the address of a hotel at which you’re only staying for 1-2 weeks.|
|Apply for a Certificate of Residence which specifically includes your MyNumber at local ward office (住民票)|**Question 1** \- Can it be done at the same time as the step immediately above?|Following the step immediately above, a written notice including your My Number will arrive in the post after 2-3 weeks (個人番号通知書). However, this notice cannot be used as proof of your identity or even proof of your My Number (see [here]( This is where asking for a Certificate of Residence listing your MyNumber can come in handy (such an explanation found here on Reddit).|
|Apply for My Number Card (個人番号カード) i) at local ward office, ii) online or iii) by post.|**Question 2** \- Is there any way to apply for the physical card sooner, rather than wait for the 個人番号通知書 to arrive via snail mail?|\-|
|Collect My Number Card from local ward office (個人番号カード)|c.1 month after applying for a My Number Card|You will receive a letter in the post explaining that your My Number Card is ready to collect (交付通知書). The letter will also specify a deadline for collection ([source](|


  1. No. You have to wait for the My Number application / notification letter (it’s no longer a card) to arrive at your place, which comes AFTER registering your address at city hall. You then wait about another month for the card to arrive at city hall, and then you can pick it up. Your My Number will be on that letter, but a lot of places won’t accept it.

    JP Post will let you register ASAP. I can only speak to Prestia and SMBC (I have accounts with both) and they required proof of employment.

    Why do you need a residence certificate right away?

  2. I had to submit proof of salary and I think my juminhyo when applying for an apartment. Proof of salary was a standard doc my work provided.

    For the bank account (JP post), just needed zairyu card. No proof of anything else needed.

  3. I needed job offer letter and juminhyo when applying for apartment. I think they’re less interested in whether you’re employed or not and more interested in what your salary is.

    I don’t recall needing anything like that for opening a bank account, but I was also a student back then.

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