Could I have a Japanese criminal record and not know it?

Many years ago when I was 19 I was randomly stopped on the street with a beer in my hand. The police wanted to search me for drugs ( I didn’t have any but refused a search because my ID would show I was underage.) I also was not noticeably drunk in any capacity. Police said I was free to go but physically blocked me from walking anywhere but the back of a police car.

They took me to an interrogation room for two hours, I used this time to make sure I was 100% sober before letting them search me and showing my ID. I don’t think they even realized I had been drinking at this point.

Upon realizing I had nothing on me the police drove me home, then against my wishes forcefully searched my apartment and found nothing. They did however take a photo of my student visa from my passport.


I was never arrested, just detained for a short time and driven home. I was never told I was drinking under age or had broken any law.


Is it possible I have a record of any kind? I only ask because I’ve been rejected from a government job in Japan for two years now.

  1. Are you Japanese? For some government civil servant jobs, they also do background checks to see if there is any history of crime or serious unpaid debts in your family.

  2. Very unlikely. There are probably other reasons you’ve been rejected.

  3. Uhhh is this interaction common in Japan? Christ almighty. Searching you is one thing but your apartment too? Don’t they need a warrant?

  4. Nope, even if you did not understand anything that happened in the interaction.

    If you were not photographed and your fingerprints taken, you were never arrested. (They also would have requested that you have someone come pick you up)

  5. They caught with a beer in your hand, and you said that they might not have noticed that you were drinking?

  6. Interesting fact is that even if you have criminal record you will never know as they do not give that information to citizens like in the west.

  7. >but physically blocked me from walking anywhere but the back of a police car.

    Never heard of this happening but I could believe it… I wonder what would happen if you made it a waiting game. Of course cops don’t like to lose so they’d probably take shifts.

  8. > Police said I was free to go but physically blocked me from walking anywhere but the back of a police car.

    What the fuck?

  9. > Police said I was free to go but physically blocked me from walking anywhere but the back of a police car.

    Why didn’t you like, not get into the police car? lmao

    Like do a 180 and walk away

  10. You got off easy. The same thing happened to me, but I made fun of the cops while they were doing it. I had been drinking a lot. I later woke up in the hospital with no recollection of what happened, and they asked me to come back in 3 days to remove the STAPLE IN MY HEAD

    Did I get conked by a baton? Did I fall down? Surely I must have fallen down and cracked my skull as I do every night for those weekly staples in my head on a totally flat walk home! I’m so clumsy, gorsh

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