Which city hall do I get my tax certs from?

I’m renewing my visa soon but can’t seem to figure out which city hall to get tax certs from.

I was living in ishikawa in January 2022 but then moved to Osaka in March 2022… and then moved again in October 2022 (the company I was at sucked ass so I left)

My guess is the one in ishikawa?

  1. >I was living in Ishikawa in January 2022

    Just to clarify, that was January 1st 2022?

    If so then your resident tax billing municipality for 2022 tax year will be Ishikawa. BUT…. 2022 resident tax bill is not ready until June 2023. So we haven’t even been billed that yet. So there’s no way you could have paid that yet.

    But assuming you were residing in Ishikawa January 1st 2021, then your 2021 tax year resident tax billing municipality would have been Ishikawa. 2021 billing period was June 2022 to May 2023. If you were not paying 2021 via “special collection” via your employer… (which is unlikely as you’ve moved around a bit since June 2022) so instead you’ve likely been paying by conbini bills or bank transfers, then you’ve likely paid all 2021 already.

  2. Whichever place you were living in on January 1st of the year you’re trying to get tax certificates from.

    So if you’re trying to take for 2022, it should be from the city you lived in on 1/1/2022, and you can apply visa mail to have them send the docs to you, if you know what else to include in what you send to that city hall

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