Tomato sauce

My mom sent me chili seasoning packets from the US. I know where to get kidney beans, but I’m kind of lost on tomato sauce.

Looking on Google, I see sauces that look like pasta sauce and sauces that look like ketchup, but the tomato sauce I remember using (Hunt’s tomato sauce) was more of a tomato puree.

What can I get in Japan that might be similar to American tomato sauce?

  1. This seems like a post about shopping, maybe your question is solved by [the wiki page](

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  2. if your making chili, you should normally be using canned tomatoes – cut/diced will work best – and not tomato sauce. They will cook down into the tomato sauce you want. I don’t think I have ever seen a grocery store here without them.

    That said, if you still insist on tomato sauce, del monte is the brand I see most often, but not at every store. You might have to buy online, but to see what it looks like or order it you can google it via: デルモンテ トマトソース

  3. Thought you were actually looking for tomato sauce, but you just want canned tomatos it seems. I would love to actually find tomato sauce in Japan, its all american katchup vomit tasting nonsense.

  4. My family always used whole canned tomatoes that we squeezed once to create a sort of mashed tomato. It cooks down into a puree within 30 minutes. I prefer tomatoes that are packed in glass or cardboard. Canned tomatoes can taste so tinny.

    If you really need more of a pureed, get a stick blender.

    And if you want to go whole hog, get fresh tomatoes. Core. Dip in boiling water for a few seconds until the peel bursts. Dip in cold water, slip the tomato out of the peel, and then chop as desired.

  5. I found American brand tomato paste and sauce at Yamaya the other day

  6. Plain old passata does the trick for me. Most import food stores should carry it.

  7. Del Monte makes them in a carton and pouch type. They cost about 2x the cost of canned tomatoes though.

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