PR application timing?

Hi there, I’m about to renew my Spouse Visa for the second time. I believe I can apply for PR now. Is there an ideal time to submit the application? I.e. after receiving the 3rd spouse visa or applying at the same time? Or, it doesn’t matter. Thank you very much

  1. The requirements for PR under the spouse route are 3 years married, 1 year resident, current residence status >1 year in duration.

    You would apply at the same time as for your spouse renewal because it’s not the same as the renewal process it’s a different status of residence (ie you would need to submit 2 applications).

  2. Do you currently meet the requirements (3 years or more marriage anywhere in the world + 1 year consecutive residency in Japan) and hold a 3/5 year spouse visa? (Edit: sorry any 3/5 year visa is fine, it doesn’t have to be spouse visa just a 3/5 year visa)

    If yes, then apply yesterday! You don’t have to wait for your spouse visa to expire, you can apply for PR anytime you meet the requirements I mentioned above. BUT you will still need to renew your spouse visa should your pending PR application overlap your current spouse visa expiration date

  3. Basically what bulldogdiver said – you can already apply for PR if you’ve been married for more than 3 years and have lived in Japan for at least one year. I got my PR after moving to Japan in summer 2017, applied summer of 2018 and got approved in two months. Paperwork was ridiculously light, just showed my taxes were paid up (and I only had six months of wages from the previous year since I moved in the middle of 2017).

  4. In addition to what everyone else said you need your ducks in a row with nenkin and tax otherwise it’s all for not.

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