Tokyo 1 day itinerary check

Hello everyone, we are a couple from Spain, it’s our first time in Japan and we’re going to stay in Kyoto 2 weeks, but since our plane lands at Haneda airport we’ll stay one night in Tokyo

We’ll go to a lot of temples in Kyoto so we want to experience the Tokyo megalopolis, neon, skyscrapers, street food, etc. let’s say we want the “cyberpunk” vibes of Tokyo before Kyoto’s traditional vibes

We’ll land at Haneda Airport at 11am the next wednesday, go to our hotel near Shinjuku station, drop the bags, take a shower and get back to the streets, my plan so far is to start the day from the farthest point and gradually return to Shinjuku

Probably take something fast to eat/breakfast
Go to Yodabashi Camera to buy some things we’ll need
Go to akihabara before lunch (I don’t know if it’s worth it since there’s a lot of things to do and we are not so otakus)
Eat some street food or ramen (suggestions appreciated)
Explore the city near Tokyo Tower
Go to Shibuya at sunset and explore the area, we’ve booked at Shibuya Sky after sunset (8pm) because we want to see the city night skyline
Go to korea town since it looks cool and with nice street food or ramen (depending on what we had for lunch)
Return to Shinjuku at night to see the Golden Gai area
Back to the hotel, sleep.
Breakfast somewhere before heading to the shinkansen station at 11.50am

What do you think?

Are we missing something you think we shouldn’t postpone to our next trip?

  1. If you aren’t into anime or manga then skip Akihabara. With 1 day just spend your time at Shunjuku and Shibuya.

  2. Since you arrive at 11am, you probably want to estimate that it takes 1 hour to go through immigration and pick up bags etc (it may go faster, but if so take that as some bonus time).

    Then it probably takes you at least another 1-1.5 hours to get to the hotel (travel from Haneda to Shinjuku alone is ~50 minutes, but you also have to figure out the tickets, navigating the stations, and move to your hotel, which would add time).

    So once you’re at your hotel, it’s already at least 1pm, and you’re probably out on the streets again after 2pm.

    Given this, you probably don’t have time to do everything you want to do. Going to Tokyo Tower is possible, but I would recommend staying around Shinjuku and Shibuya.

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