JETAA Western Japan Bonenkai

This post is mainly targeted to alumni who are living in Westen Japan, particularly in the Kansai region.
JETAAWJ will be holding a bonenkai on December 10th in Nishinomiya, Hyogo .
Current jets are also welcome to attend.
Special guests include members of the US Consulate, the American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, the Osaka Convention & Tourism Bureau, and more!
This is a great chance to meet jet alumni who have established careers in japan/networking!

When: Saturday, Dec 10 at 6- 8 p.m.

Where: Ca Cuchina che Incanto (Nishinomiya, Hyogo) []([0]=AT1SXhFfZUuZhFcn4jWLNqrwUPWgGjxfU6sjh8nlkD6KYKqYpYnJbhtcv2OLcKgwj4XuX5qyBkRm5YZYoeOTyfpuCS2meHlSR6-W0nDvpf4pOdrrf9BT274pO8xKdAp3ziTqhCNQ6Rf__MukkisISMHrr6gbWZJjdT_Sxac)

Who: Current and alumni JETs

Capacity: 25 (reserve your spot soon!)

Price: ¥7,000 nomihoudai + buffet

Advanced payment is required to secure your spot! To pay, reserve your spot from the below Eventbrite page and transfer (振込) the ¥7,000 to the JETAA WJ bank account (details on Eventbrite). Please email us a confirmation of payment, such as a screenshot, to\[@\][]([0]=AT1SXhFfZUuZhFcn4jWLNqrwUPWgGjxfU6sjh8nlkD6KYKqYpYnJbhtcv2OLcKgwj4XuX5qyBkRm5YZYoeOTyfpuCS2meHlSR6-W0nDvpf4pOdrrf9BT274pO8xKdAp3ziTqhCNQ6Rf__MukkisISMHrr6gbWZJjdT_Sxac) to secure the spot.
Reserve your spot and see more details from our Eventbrite page:

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