More material to inmerse?

Well, I recently (and by recently I mean about 2 months) got interested in japanese. And that inevitably led to me wanting to learn it. Watched a ton of anime and could pick up the very basic of sentences (私は…, です…, etc) and about 5 days ago I started doing the Moe Way guide and it’s been good so far.

But, I have noticed it emphasizes the inmersion aspect of learning but here’s the thing: I do not find fun to watch the same episode twice with and then without subs.

And so, I’m looking for content that’s alternative to anime so maybe gameplays since I play a lot of games or documentaries or cooking channels, stuff like that.
Do you have any recommendations?

  1. Hi, you can search for ‘実況プレイ’ to fnd let’s play videos on youtube etc. BTW みんあさん is either a typo or a spelling mistake, make sure you look up the correct spelling (there’s a common mistake people make there).

  2. I switched my news over to nhk, gives me a pretty broad range of words and more real-world japanese

  3. have you considered these youtube channels meant for learners:

    * Japanese Ammo with Misa

    * Comprehensible Japanese

    These are gonna be easy to follow and you can learn a lot I think

    GL HF

  4. I have two videos for you by the same guy that I hope you watch! He talks about immersion in the first one and about how he would restart in the second. I agree with pretty much everything he says except I prefer the Migaku Kanji God addon for Anki instead of RTK. Give them a watch and then ask your questions from there.

  5. I love doing music. When you repeat it over and over, you learn a catchy song I stead of ruining am episode of anime from. Repeating it too much~

  6. I watch bluey in japanese on disney plus. fun and easy to understand, i only occasionally switch on english subs to check a word i didnt get

    But tbh i think 2 months very early to start watching stuff in japanese. it’ll just be draining to have to look up every seconds word. You’d probably be better off spending that time working through a textbook

  7. I’ve started watching Learn Japanese with Tanaka-san on youtube recently. It’s great in my opinion. There are easy conversations that you can follow and much more. Check it out 😉

    There are lots of resources and great channels on youtube. You need do to a little research to find out which one is the best for you 😉

    I’ve even started watching JP dramas lol I have to admit that I really like it and it helps with getting used to the language and words that are frequently used.

    Have fun learning!
    がんばってください !

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