Weekly Weekend Thread – 08 May 2023

It’s Monday! Did you do anything over the weekend? Go somewhere? Meet someone? Try something new?


Post about your activities from the weekend here! Pictures are also welcome.

  1. went to two restaurant/cafe that allow dogs and also had dog menus, puppy ate well

  2. Started on my chuugata bike classes. Wanted to sit on the cancel list for more, but the rain made me mostly a homebody the last couple of days. My ankle (I broke it just under 10 years ago) was also really starting to hurt, so it was probably a good idea. I’m not sure if the bike lessons had anything to do with the pain, though; my ankle likes to just hurt like hell on occasion.

  3. Had to postpone my date due to the rain 🙁
    Other than that it was nice to go shopping for home furniture at Francfranc, their items are just so pretty!

  4. Went to Yakurai garden in Miyagi. It was a lot of fun. I came down with a cold just in time for all the rain to get here. I just curled up in bed and slept since the weather was so rotten

  5. I spent most of the weekend at home playing Saints Row while the hubby watched TV. Heavy rain all weekend put a damper on our weekend plans. We ventured out briefly on Sunday to buy some groceries but got soaked just walking from the car to the store entrance.

  6. Had a flex day off on Friday. Got Shake Shack on the terrace at Gaien then walked around and did some shopping to enjoy the nice weather.

    Saturday, wife and I went to her friend’s new house for lunch with a few of her friends from school. Ordered pizza and got to play with their baby and dog.

    Yesterday the weather was awful, went to the book store to use some Quo Cards I got from work but after that just mostly just hung out at home, drank some tea and read my book. After being out of town for almost a week I also got to cook a real dinner at home, which was nice.

  7. I went to a neighborhood bar on Friday night.

    I’d been thinking a lot about the recent passing of folk singer/songwriter Gordon Lightfoot.

    The bar has a sound system wired up to a Youtube browser. I was the only person in the bar, and I requested that the Japanese bartender shuffle songs by Gordon Lightfoot, in memoriam.

    He looks at me confused, and I repeat, “Gordon Lightfoot.” He pecks away at the keyboard, and says “arimasen.”

    I’m like, come on, there MUST be some Gordon Lightfoot. So I repeat the name. He types again. Same result.

    I’m thinking, is this guy just being a dick? “No Gordon Lightfoot?” I ask again.

    “Sumimasen, no Gordon Lightfoot.”

    then it hits me. I look at the monitor to see what he’d entered:


    (It was Gordon Week, after all).

  8. Had bbq with my wife’s family. One of the kids was sick and so yesterday baby, toddler, and I were all hit with sickness. Nothing too bad, thankfully but pretty annoying.

    We all went to the garden on Saturday. Toddler helped me plant some seeds, and the nice old lady across the road brought my daughter a heap of strawberries again.

  9. The long drag from Golden Week to Marine Day has started….

    I wish the new emperor’s birthday were in June instead of February!

  10. Hurt my back last week.

    Drove the oldest who was visiting home and then fell down the next day and because of the bad hand/bad shoulder wasn’t able to catch myself.

    Tore something in my ribs and hip.

    Spent the rest of the weekend curled up on the sofa because I couldn’t sit and I couldn’t get up if I laid down without blinding pain so it was back to sleeping wedged between the sofa cushions for me…

    Getting into the car this morning was almost impossible since I had to swing my leg up and my legs still aren’t working correctly.

  11. 30 years old, I’ve been doing ski from 3 years old to junior high school, last few years were competitive ski.

    Since then, no sport at all.

    I immigrated to Japan half a year ago, and decided to do sport again, as it seems to be quite important in Japan. Yesterday evening I went for the first time to a badminton club of my company. My whole body hurts. Punishment for no exercising in 15 years.

    Without surprise I was the worst among everyone, but it was real fun.

  12. Last 2 days of GW ruined by heavy rain…
    At least the weather is good today. Would’ve been awful going to work in the rain.

  13. I spent some quality time dismantling part of the furnishings in my home office room due to impending A/C replacement, and it occurred to me how I can rearrange things to use space more efficienly and expand the unoccupied floor space. Which will improve my WFH lifestyle.

  14. Saturday: got back to Japan from the US around 1pm and spent the rest of the day with my husband and cat watching a Netflix show (Love Island—not too bad imo).

    Sunday: totally fucked up my already fucked up sleep schedule by sleeping 6 hours during the day.

    Woke up at 11am, ate breakfast, unpacked my suitcase for a bit and did some housework, laid down to take a nap at 2:30pm, woke up at 8:12pm, panicked, ordered dominos for dinner, went to the conbini at 10pm to get food (dominos order got severely delayed by 2 ish hours for whatever reason), came back to see the dominos sitting at my apartment door with a note basically saying sorry for the huge delay, ate and took a shower, took a melatonin and fell back asleep at 11:30pm, got woken up by my husband coming home from work at 1am and stayed awake until 4:45am ish, work alarm goes off at 7:40am and now I’m at work miserable.

    Fuck me 🙃🙃 2 more hours to go. I am struggling. I drank a coffee and tea and I’m still struggling. Jet lag back to Japan usually doesn’t affect me this bad but I’m guessing it’s the combination of pregnancy and having s wonky sleep schedule making things worse than usual.

  15. More of a Golden Week thing rather than the weekend specifically. On Thursday, I went to the local Akame 48 Waterfalls here in Mie. I’ve gone through the whole route before, so I was just going to go part way, but my competitiveness saw it as a challenge that must be completed, so I did the entire route and back again. This time I remembered to bring the stamp collection map for a reward when I finished for a nice post card.

    On Friday, I went to the Osaka Comic Con since I’ve never been to a large convention (even back in my home country). It was a cool experience. I’m a cosplayer, but didn’t bring any cosplay to wear. I would have sweat through it anyways if I had.

    Spent the weekend by getting a haircut and resting my legs while playing more Horizon Forbidden West, since my legs did a lot of work the two days prior.

  16. Half of the Goldden Week in Kyoto is in rain! Ruined my planned bicycle trip.

  17. This is more of an FIY post for anyone in a pet situation.

    Unfortunately, our cat passed away on Wednesday evening, the beginning of Golden Week. At-home euthanasia is not really offered in Japan, so we opted to let him pass naturally at home, mostly due to the vet’s diagnosis that he was not in pain.

    My wife was told that after he passed the body would stiffen quickly, which it did, so she was advised to put him into his final resting position quickly. We wrapped him in a towel, added ice packs, his favorite blanket, closed the towel, then called the pet cremation service. It was already past 11 PM at the time but they said they would be around at 11 AM. We lit incense and waited til morning.

    We held a small at-home service, then added flowers from our garden and the cremation service came. Only the body is allowed into the back of the van, which appears to be a cremation kiln in the back of the van (I guess they hook it up to gas when they get back to home base? I dunno). My wife moved the body to the kiln tray, and then we all re-laid the flowers around it. The man closed the portable kiln then drove off. He had the urn returned in two hours.

    I write this so that those with pets may have some kind of expectation or picture. If anyone needs more info please PM me. We love our pets, they become family. Thanks.

  18. I apparently have a problem with maid cafes as well as alcoholism.

  19. Spent this golden week mostly together with my husband, and I just felt like I gotten more comfortable being with him. We played ping pong yesterday and it was fun. He also cooked hainanese chicken rice for us. We will go kyoto two weeks later too..

    With all the fun, I am applying for jobs and there are so many people who are also applying. I just wonder when will I get hired.

  20. Went to play mahjong in shinbashi. I’m a beginner (2nd time at that store, so I have no rank there), yet somehow the store put me on the same table as a ranked regular (fine), a store employee (that’s OK they often do it to fill a 4th spot)… and an actual pro player that came that day as guest (not OK!!!)

    I went bankrupt on my first game (ie lost all points), but then somehow managed to rank above the proplayer in the second run. Net net, lost a few thsds yen but was a great experience.

  21. Started playing Ghost of Tsushima (yes, i know i am late) and was actually surprised how good it is since i had low expectations

  22. Made some empanadillas the other day and they were great. It’s nice to be able to make food that reminds me of home since I can almost never find anything at all like it in here.

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