Where does the audio in this link come from? I need audio for my anki cards


This seems to be some sort of official anki site or something, and my tutor uses it too but for some reason he isn’t willing to share with me where he gets his audio from. Particularly the audio for the second and third words are the same voices I hear all the time for the cards he makes for me. I’m trying to find audio so I can make my own cards, and make good cards at that, when I find new words I want to have added in right away. Does anyone know the source of where this audio comes from, or at the very least know a site that has audio I can put into my anki cards that is similarly clear?

To be clear, I’m looking for audio for WORDS, not sentences.

  1. There’s a download link at the bottom of that page. That gives you an `.apkg` file, which is actually just a zip file with a different file extension. You can open it in a tool like WinRAR or 7zip. Once opened, you’ll see 6033 numbered files without a file extension. These are actually just MP3 files.

    Unfortunately the names of these files are meaningless, so it’s hard to tell which ones are sentences and which ones are words. The zip file does also contain two files called `media` and `collection.anki2` which seems to contain information about which audio file corresponds to which text. Manually renaming every file is going to take forever though, so you’d have to get a programmer to write a script to automate this.

  2. Sounds like the voices from the iKnow site. That is the source for the “Core” deck variations often shared as Anki decks.

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