Working two jobs. What to do about health insurance?

I have been working as a contract worker at a company for 4 years. The actual work is entirely remote, very easy, and leaves me with a lot of free time so I decided to apply for another job. I passed the interview for the new job and have received an official offer which i will be accepting. So I will be working two full time jobs.

For anyone that has experience working two jobs in Japan, how should I handle my health insurance? The new job pays almost triple the amount of the first job but my health insurance is provided through the first job.

Should i cancel my health insurance at the first job and apply through the new job? Or inform my new job that I already have health insurance that I am happy with? Also, the health insurance offered by the new company is the exact same as the first company.

Any advice is appreciated. Thanks!

  1. Insurance for employees isn’t just about individual coverage, it’s about supporting the system. That’s why it’s called social insurance (shakai hoken) and why higher earners pay more into the system.

    If you qualify for social insurance at both jobs, then you’ll need to enroll in both. The only exception is employment insurance, which is tied to the individual instead of per job. You need to file registration paperwork with one of your employers’ pension processors (健康保険・厚生年金保険 被保険者所属選択・二以上事業所勤務届, 被保険者資格取得届). They’ll combine your income from both jobs, calculate how much you owe, and report it to both jobs’ payrolls so the appropriate amounts get withheld from your paychecks.

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