Genki Anki Decks – Swapping Hidden Furigana and Kanji

I’ve been using the Anki decks included in the [Genki study resources]( and I found myself memorizing the Kanji word/sentence meaning and completely forgetting pronunciation. The decks originally show the kanji at the start and you have to mouse over it in order to see the furigana. I wanted to get the opposite effect so I added some code to the styling section of the card template.

In case anybody wants it, here is the complete styling code:

.question-side { font-size:48px; }

.card {
font-family:’メイリオ’, ‘Meiryo’, ‘Osaka’, ‘MS Pゴシック’, ‘MS PGothic’, “ヒラギノ角ゴ Pro W3”, “Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro”, Arial, sans-serif;
.nightMode hr { border-color:#555; }
.nightMode ruby rt {
color:#CCC; /* pre-hover text color; default 333 */
background:#222; /* pre-hover color; default 333 */
border-color:#222; /* Default 444 */
.nightMode ruby:hover rt {
color:#CCC; /* on-hover text color; */
.nightMode.card {
color:#CCC; /* Kanji/Answer color; */

/* Hides the kanji until mouseover */
.nightMode ruby {
color:#333; /* pre-hover text color. Needs to = background color */
background:#333; /* pre-hover bkg color */
.nightMode ruby:hover {
color:#CCC; /* on-hover text color */

/* swaps furi/kanji order vertically */
display: flex;
flex-direction: column-reverse;
order: -1;
text-align: center; /* so furigana text doesn’t use full width */

Note: This will only work for cards where the question section are of the format: <ruby> kanji here <rt> furigana here </rt> </ruby>

like –


1 comment
  1. Some useful solutions! Thank you for posting.

    There are so many possible “card types” for each vocabulary word, especially if one wants to test writing skills.

    Too many “card types” and reviews become incredibly time consuming, so there is a balance. This is not such an issue in other languages.

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