About job hunting visa

Here is my situation so far:

\- Graduated from masters degree in a japanese university last March,

\- I am currently doing a post-graduation internship until next month, and will leave Japan a few days after my last internship day.

\- current residence status : Student. Expiry date: June 2024.

I would like to apply for a change of residence status before leaving japan, and get a job hunting visa that will allow me to reenter the country. As for whether i will come back to Japan or not, i am not sure as i am also looking for a job in my home country, but i would like to keep all my options open.

The university informed me (and other international students) by email that our residence card is invalidated after graduation even if we still have time left before the expiration date. That’s why i want to apply for the job hunting visa.

I already moved out from my apartment, terminated my contracts. Will cancel my sim card and credit card in early next month.

As i had a scholarship, i did not pay any taxes, only the national health insurance bills.

I know the documents required to prepare the visa, the only issue is that my university seem hesistant to issue my recommendation letter. They told me to provide them with my job hunting evidence during May. I am still applying for offers and i will send them my job applications by the end of this month.

My questions:

\- Can i take my residence card with me even if i still not get the job hunting visa ?

\- Can i take my card without having a return flight ticket ?

\- If i decide to settle down in my home country and not come back, are there any legal repercussions ? how to deal with residence card in that case ?

\- for National health insurance, is simply notifying my city hall of moving out enough (ie i wont get any bills in the future) ?

Would greatly appreciate your help as i don’t wanna do anything against the book or with serious legal repercussions.

  1. you need some cooperation from your university to apply it. documents to support the applications. career center/foreign student support body in your uni have more infomation on how to proceed.

  2. Hello there! I am international student with scholarship as well!

    Hope this information helps with your 1st, 2nd, and 3rd question:

    ” When a foreign national who owns a residence card is no longer a mid or long-term resident, departs with a Re-Entry Permit or Special Re-Entry Permit but does not return within the period of validity, or possesses an expired residence card, they must return the residence card to the Minister of Justice within 14 days of the day it becomes invalid. The card can be returned to the Immigration Officer at the airport or a port from which you leave the country, or sent to the address below. If you do not return it within the given period, you may be fined.”

    Also, don’t usually people go for job hunting like a year or 6 months before their master’s is about to end?


    Source: [Returning your Residence Card When You Leave Japan | YAMAGUCHI UNIVERSITY (yamaguchi-u.ac.jp)](https://www.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/english/life/immigration_procedures/residence_card-2/index.html)

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