Work in Steel Industry, Project Management

I’ve looked at eng versions of websites for Nippon Steel, JFE Steel, and Kobe Steel but was unable to find career pages. Do they hire specialists from abroad? In particular, I am interested in project management. Maybe someone has been hired and could share how the work feels inside the aforementioned companies, please? Thanks!

  1. Generally speaking, if they haven’t got a careers page in English it means you’d need to speak Japanese at a pretty high level if you wanted to work there.

    Is your Japanese strong enough to navigate the website in Japanese without using automatic translation?

  2. I used to work in steel manufacturing here for a major player in the industry. In my experience, even the biggest players like Aichi Steel, Daido, Kobe, etc. will be reluctant to hire from outside of Japan.

    I worked in production control for a time and generally these companies have a system that requires people in the sales/project planning departments to have had accrued a vast wealth of experience starting in production control and moving around all of the products they manufacture to learn the metallurgy and lead-times (from smelting, pressing, shaping, shipping to 3rd parties, stock yard bottlenecks, etc.).

    To hire from outside the new grade hire would be from within the steel industry domestically itself. All of this is assuming you have mastered Japanese (especially handwritten), if you are not natively Japanese.

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