Correct stroke order for 何

Hi. Just a Quick Q about stroke order.

In the book Understanding Kanji through Pictures 1000 Kanji, it displays the stroke order as the square in the middle being last. However, on the app Kanji Study (that I use to revise kanji) it displays the stroke order as the square going before the rightmost vertical line (if that makes sense?).

Are both ‘correct’ or is there an error in one of these resources.

  1. My dictionary says that you do the top stroke as the third stroke, then the box, then finally the right hand stroke.

    That’s not the way I’ve been writing it though. Oops.

  2. I use []( to check kanji. It shows that the rightmost vertical stroke is last.

    Here is the jisho page for ‘何’: [](

    It uses KanjiVG as a source, which in turn uses an official reference source: “Hitsujun shidō no tebiki, the official reference of the Ministry for Education (Monbushō), published by Hakubundō, Tokyo in 1958, was used as reference for the stroke order of the Kyōiku Kanji.”[](

  3. The box should be last, since Kanji is based on Chinese Characters and the Chinese Characters are always done (when it comes to stroke order) left to right, then top down. since the vertical line starts at the top, on the horizontal line, you’d start there and then go down for the box character.

    I hope that made sense 😅

  4. It’s made up of 人(squashed up into 亻) and 可, so the right half follows the same stroke order as 可. (i.e. box before long vertical stroke)

    Though sometimes these really common kanji have different ‘folk’ stroke order, so that could be the source of the confusion. 🙂


  5. Why does it matter. You’re never going to write it with a pen, and in the rare occasion you do, it doesn’t matter how you wrote it

  6. FWIW I was taught the box in the middle comes last. Left to right, top to bottom, outside to inside.

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