IIJMIO phone plans

Okay so I don’t know much about phones. I looked on their website and have a few questions that I can’t find answers to.

1. Can you pay with a U.S. credit card?

2. Can they send the SIM card to the airport or a hotel?

3. It says 2,673 yen monthly for 3 GB on this page https://www.iijmio.jp/hdd/visitors/en/miofone.html#anc01, but scroll down and it also says 1,760 monthly? Is the first one factoring in some other expenses? What are they? Is this price for unlimited texting and calling or is there a per minute price for that hidden somewhere in the website?

4. What is the difference between Type A and Type D? I don’t understand what LTE and KDDI is and which one my phone will work with.

5. I have a Samsung Galaxy S8 but I don’t see this on their list of compatible devices. Will a IIJMIO SIM card fit in my phone?

6. Is the application only in Japanese?

7. It says to have a Japanese phone number ready, but I do not have one. What can I do?

1 comment
  1. 1. I think they stopped accepting foreign credit card a while ago, but not sure
    2. You cannot apply without having a valid ID card in Japan first if you also want SMS or calling ability. So you will have to apply after arriving in Japan. And if you still don’t have address, just go apply at the physical shop where they will issue you the sim on the spot.
    3. The English page is horrendously out of date. That was the old plans. New plan is 1078yen/month for 4GB of data with ability for voice call and SMS.
    4. IIJ is an MVNO. Type A use au network. Type D use DOCOMO network. If you don’t know, just go with type D.
    5. Probably. You should choose nanoSIM.
    6. Yes. But just go to the store so they can help you through. See 2.
    7. I can’t find that. Maybe you read the section about porting over number (MNP)? Anyway if it’s required you can put your school or company landline number.

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