General Discussion Thread – 09 May 2023

Mid-week discussion thread time! Feel free to talk about what’s on your mind, new experiences, recommendations, anything really.

  1. So I’m going back to Canada for a while. As long as my residency card isn’t expired and I’m now out for more than a few months there isn’t anything I need to prepare for coming back, right?

  2. I asked my friend what a 半島 is. He told me to go to 伊豆半島 and 能登半島, and said that after I’d been to both I’d know

  3. Interesting observation: if you’re stumping for a political party in front of the station and you don’t have a sign or sash, you’re easily confused for someone just screaming. It’s what I thought, and the swarms of people giving the one guy a wide berth sort of proves it. I stopped to listen to his ravings and went “Oh, just wants support for his party.”

    A burnable trash pickup day was skipped during Golden Week, no biggie, we just put it the bag on the service balcony like always. Also, it was really rainy yesterday. So, that’s a good time for birds to rip it open for the first time ever. It was a good wrench in our routine (unplanned and time-consuming clean-up of soaking wet trash after I was already changed), as it showed we can take a hit and still stay on schedule. “Wheels up in five, double check on the mains” is not the kind of English most five year-olds understand, but he gets it.

  4. To the people who live in the suburbs or areas that don’t get many domestic or international tourists, do you find it easier or more difficult to visit popular restaurants in your area during Golden Week?

    I live in a fairly typical bed town in Aichi, and there’s a really popular Indian place that opened up near my apartment around a month ago. I finally got a table there after turning up around 11:15, but they were full by the time I left, so I guess it made little difference.

  5. So my friend was the SOFA member who had stuff stolen out of her backpack before someone turned it in to a train station far away from where she got off the train.

    She was able to file a missing passport but there were more stuff missing.

    All three prefectural police departments she spoke to (the one she lives in, the one she forgot her bag in, and the one where it was turned into) all told her they weren’t going to file it as stolen even though it’s been a few days. She asked the trainline to show the cameras so she could see and they refused to let her check in on it.

    We think due to the stuff missing along with her passport, it’s likely another tourist that stole her items (who dafuq steals a sweater representing our hometown university?) But there were other things of value missing. Nothing has been turned in, she keeps checking.

    I wonder how often this happens, that the police here refuse to list items as stolen or help aid to find out if that was what happening, just to claim the crime late is low.

  6. How long did people take for parental leave (育休)? Fathers in particular, but open to any relevant information.

    I’m annoyed with work in general and we’re expecting twins, so I’m planning to take an extended period.

    There aren’t a lot of examples of fathers taking leave at my company. Someone at the Okayama apparently took leave recently, but after asking around it was apparently 1~2 weeks, which is laughably short. I was planning on taking that much just in normal yukyu around when they’re born, that seems like taking the bare minimum and counts towards the percentage of people *technically* taking ikukyu, but wouldn’t meaningly affect our childcare plans.

    I don’t really care if my manager or bucho are annoyed when I tell them I want to take off for 6 months, but I’m curious about other people’s experiences.

  7. A bit of a specific question but do repeaters tend to just break? I purchased one as the wifi at my place is hard wired into a wall in the bedroom. I set the repeater up in the kitchen and it created two “extended” networks that worked fine for 3 months. Now, the connections just die randomly. I find myself rebooting the device daily now. Tether RE700X. I might just buy a different brand device.

  8. Shithead neighbors had a loud drunken party until around 2 a.m. last night, with the attendees including some particularly loud and obnoxious foreigners (if any of you happen to be Redditors reading this, yes, YOU are the kind of people who give all foreigners in this country a bad name). I and another neighbor called the police, but all it seemed they could do was force the partygoers to move from the patio to inside the apartment, where they became even louder and drunker. Barely functional on three hours of sleep today. Who the fuck pulls this kind of shit on a Monday night.

  9. My best friends axylotly just died (he was over 15 years old ) so we are bringing jt to get cremated today in Nakano.
    She’s so sad but decided to wear mourning kimono 👘

  10. I propose Golden Week going… dare I say… the entire week. I should still be at home in my sweatpants right now until tomorrow!

  11. Bought 3 egg cartóns from maruetsu along with some other food stuff . At the register, there’s a sign saying one per customer. The lady looked at me and said tsuristo? I tilted my head and said hmm? and smiled because I was startled.

    She kinda explained in broken english that tourists spend alot of money so this is ok ( pointing at eggs) but japanese people only one set. Too pricy.

    I was like ohhhh wow :(.

    I was given a tourist card for 3 sets of eggs and I accepted it gladly. It’s a good day

  12. Which idiot swapped the non-alcoholic wine in this sangria for wine?

    This guy!

    God, my head hurts.

  13. It feels so wasteful turning on heated flooring on a warm day just because my feet get cold but feels so good. Socks/slippers make my feet sweat and this is just perfect. My carbon footprint (heh) must be gigantic.

  14. Can people on this sub just complain normally about things that inconvenience them without always blaming everything on the “culture”, jesus.

  15. Went to 711 for a Costa coffee and it’s just not there now. I was feeling wild and picked up a Tully’s Black & Soda GASSATA instead. For some reason, I had a feeling this would be a Cola flavored drink even though it says 炭酸, so yeah. It’s just coffee and carbonation. The result? It’s not that bad as a drink (I am congested, though), but it doesn’t satisfy the coffee craving.

  16. I am kind of surprised at the amount of spatial reasoning that 1st graders here practice. It’s a lot more than I remember doing in 1st grade.

  17. So I went to Osaka over the Golden (3 day) Week, and I went on over to the dispensary in Amerikamura. First of all, insane that that even exists. But my question is, *how* does it exist? It felt like walking into a dispensary back home lol. How is it legal here??

    Feel free to scroll on by, I was just so happy to finally eat yakiniku blissfully high af.

  18. TIL I can separate the fish grill handle from the plate. Previously I had been washing it together. The sink is not big enough and I was never able to clean it properly. Now, I can, silly me.

  19. I heard that it’s not legal to record people in public without consent, but what about if they’re doing a video call. Some guy was pointing his phone at me the other day and saying “foreigner” before he went off. I heard a voice on the phone speaker so I think it was a call.

  20. Just got back from a short trip to my home country for Golden Week. The last time was in 2019. After about a decade since I moved here I shed homesick tears for the first time last night. I feel so underwhelmed with Japanese food now, I’ve only eaten proper food twice since Saturday night when I arrived back here. Is it normal to feel depressed like this after seeing my family and old friends back home?

  21. in desperate need of advice to quell violent urges around a trainee with no common sense and won’t write a memo like i said MANY TIMES already (sick of repeating myself, i give up, he can face the music when he’s on his own and inevitably screws up)!

  22. Does one have to be very bubbly, cheerful, energetic to be an english teacher for kids?

  23. I want to sell a few things I no longer use on mercari, but I’ve never shipped anything before and I may have tossed the original boxes out. So I’m not sure how to properly package things for shipping. Do I need to buy proper cardboard boxes or do I only need to stuff the goods in a bag and hand them over to the konbini?

  24. I thought workman’s “rock climb” pants were sweet but I recently picked some montbell OD lite pants – mind is officially blown. They even offer short lengths 🙏

  25. Any suggestions on how to cut a really big lawn? I don’t really want to deal with it and my #1 choice is to somehow kill it all and let it become as much dirt as it can, for as cheaply as possible. Option #2 is to buy a gas mower (used), possibly battery type, and cut it myself. Except I can’t burn the waste, I have to throw it in the garbage. But this municipality I can only throw away 5 burnable bags at a time, so the initial waste until the grass is short is going to be several weeks of 5 bags of grass each burnable day.

    I was just quoted by a guy that he’d do it for 6man *per time*. I can just buy a mower for that myself and do it.

  26. How do i go about paying pension as an exchange student only living here for 4 months? I arrived at the very last day or March and I am leaving the very first day of August. Does it count me as being here for 6 months?

  27. Any legal way to watch Succession in Japan?
    Looking for non-VPN options…

  28. Worth contacting immigration (if even possible…?) over visa processing time? I submitted a visa change and it’s been 5 weeks, but it’s really stressing me out over if I’ll be able to start working at my new company this month or be out of a paycheck til late July…was supposed to start working already (though I knew immigration wouldn’t make the company’s date). I know 5 weeks isn’t at 2 months but I’m not enjoying being forcibly unemployed…the joys of living abroad

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