Difference between っぽい and がち in this particular

I was going through 日本語パ ワードリル N2, and there’s this question :

In the following phrase, select the most appropriate word to fill in the blank.


Choices are:

1. がちだ
2. 気味だ
3. っぽい
4. すぎる

The correct answer for this question is っぽい, but from my understanding, かちだ also seems like a correct answer.

I checked the following resources, among others:




From my understanding, っぽい is preferred over がち when the tendency is “uncertain” or “seems like”. But still, I can not understand why っぽい is preferred over がちだ in this particular phrase.

Did I miss something ?

  1. I think in this case 飽きっぽい is a set phrase so you just have to already know the word. Maybe some Japanese native speakers will have a better perspective.

  2. 飽きっぽい is just a common phrase. But intuitively, I think of it like this:

    飽きっぽい is a characteristic of the person mentioned. “Tanaka-san is a person who gets bored easily.”

    ~~飽きがち is a tendency or pattern in their behavior. “Tanaka-san tends to get bored easily.”~~

    Edit: I think my line of thinking described here works generally, but for 飽きる specifically, I think I won’t use 飽きがち when describing a person, at all. I’d use it in sentences like “I tend to get bored when reading a long book.”

  3. ~っぽい is generally used for negative traits: e.g. 子どもっぽい. Maybe that’s what they were focusing on.

    Also ~っぽい describes a trait of a person; in this case someone who’s the type of person to get bored easily. ~がち describes a tendency to do something (i.e. something one is prone/liable to do).

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