What’s the best way to reintegrate with what you’ve learned after a month or so of not learning?

Hey guys! First time posting here. I’ve been using JapaneseFromZero to learn, and have finished course 1 and 2. However, it’s been around a month since I finished course 2 and my memory of things is kinda scattered. What’s the best way for me to remember as much of what I learned as possible?

  1. you dont know anything so start again from zero. learning a language is kinda like wiping your ass. you dont go a day without doing it.

  2. Since you are just starting the language I recommend redoing the courses. You will see you are now able to relearn things you already knew much faster

  3. You should be able to go back and blitz through what you’ve already done. A month isn’t that long of a break in the grand scheme of things and a review should bring it back.

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