Spousal VISA

Hey y’all. Me (US citizen) and my girlfriend (Japanese citizen) have been dating for 3 years and want to get married. The plan is for me to move to Japan for a year while she gains 1 more year of work experience (totaling 3) at her company. We both agree that she would be miserable as a housewife and think getting a job in the States would be easier with 3 years of experience at the company she works.

I have been having a hard time finding the requirements for the spousal visa. Specifically the income requirements. She makes a little over 200,000yen a month. I own an online business that I make a good living off of, so she wouldn’t be supporting me or anything, but it’s my understanding that they only care about her income.

My 2 questions are:

1. Does she make enough to get my visa approved? And if not what are some work arounds?

2. She moved back in with her parents after college. She is worried about the difficulties of changing her address when we get a place. So how hard will it be for her to change her address officially?

1 comment
  1. I got mine recently so kinda similar situation. Used Visa Lawyer

    1) Her income is more than enough, given that they will ask to either check your income (idk your visa situation) or your bank funds.
    The visa lawyer we used came up with estimate for how much we both spend monthly (rent + food etc). That 12x should be no issue

    2 – super easy. what’s she changing it on, bank? job? amazon? it’ll depend on that but in general ward office

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