One-Visit Dentistry

My husband recently started getting patients from another dental clinic in the area after the dentist there had a mental breakdown and abruptly closed his clinic. He cut off all communication with his patients, other dentists, and the local chapter of the dental association.

In treating the patients from that clinic my husband discovered that they all had temporary work, like temporary fillings and crowns and unfinished root canals. When he would complete his first treatment and schedule them for follow-up treatment many of them would complain that the other dentist could do a treatment in just one visit, so they didn’t understand why he was making them come back again.

He had to explain to them that they only had temporary work done and that if they didn’t get proper treatment they would have more trouble later. Apparently, they had the expectation that any dental treatment should take only one visit because that’s what they were getting from their burned out dentist, so they were annoyed at the inconvenience of having to come back again for further treatment in order to have it done properly.

  1. Unfortunately it’s super common here to only get 30 minute time slots from “busy” dentists and they will request several appointments to actually complete work that would typical be done in one visit elsewhere (or at least, in the US).

    Good on your husband for not pulling that BS.

  2. Hi, I am thoroughly confused, was there a point?

    Or is this just a complaint that the other dentist wasn’t being honest with his patients and was just patching them together enough that they could go home but would require further treatment later?

  3. My student’s dentist disappeared one day. He just left his family and his practice and never came back. The clinic eventually found a replacement but the patients weren’t satisfied about being told that their previous dentist had been doing shoddy, substandard work on them, and started leaving the clinic in droves.

    People want what’s familiar, even when it isn’t good for them.

  4. i also complained about multiple visits because a ton of dentists here wont work more than 30min on you so they can bill the insurance more. never ever heard from that in my country.

    just cant understand why you need to split a CLEANING in two sessions for upper/lower teeth, or why cant you treat two cavities on the same visit.

    i can understand a complex work and a follow up visit, but dispatching me after 15m when i know there is STILL work left, that bs really pisses me off

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