Online students

Does any one freelance online? If so how do you find students? I currently work on a platform & absolutely love my Japanese students but would like to get some of my own

  1. If you are just another online teacher, you’re not going to be able to compete with the cheap platforms out there that offer lessons for less than $5.

    You have to create a product that stands out. What is your specialty, or do you have a particular niche market that you can teach to? Do you have specialized qualifications that you can promote? Find a need to cater to, create a website, advertise, and then you might have a chance.

    But these days the market is saturated, so unless you can come up with something totally unique, I doubt you’ll make very much money. Making a living freelancing is a lot of hard work, so you’d need to be willing to put in the time and effort.

  2. I used to teach private lessons in person, then covid happened. I managed to convince most of them to move online to zoom for the same fee, and the lessons are equally good in quality if a bit different.

    Since then mostly word of mouth as my students often referred others.

    Now I do all of my private lessons from the comfort of my home and I’m happy, parents are happy and most important of all, students are happy.

    All of them are local and in my community, or within a few hours travel from my place so I can still organise events and meetups with them.

  3. When I taught freelance (online), I got students through word of mouth. Do a decent job and you can grow your student base that way, though it’ll be slow and probably not enough to earn a living on its own. For me, it was just a nice source of additional income at the time.

    Getting your first few students of probably the hardest. I got my first student through a shared acquaintance. Knowing Japanese is definitely a plus.

  4. A TEFL cert isn’t competitive. And just having experience doesn’t make you an expert. Unless you have a specialization with a proven track record, along with qualifications, you’re not going to stand out.

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