Japanese ministry website possibly hacked in immigration law protest

Japanese ministry website possibly hacked in immigration law protest


  1. > The Justice Ministry’s website is believed to have come under cyberattack by the international hacker group Anonymous as lawmakers were deliberating a controversial bill to revise the nation’s immigration law.

    > The websites of the ministry and the Immigration Services Agency of Japan were difficult to access from the night of May 8 until the early hours of May 9, the ministry said.

    > The ministry is investigating the cause, including a possible cyberattack.

    > A social media account, which is believed to belong to Anonymous, posted comments criticizing Japan’s refugee policy, saying, “We oppose this inhumane practice and warn the Japanese government.” It added, “Protect refugees!”

    > The ministry said the website was accessible as of 8:20 a.m. on May 9, but access later continued to be unstable.

    > In the Diet, lawmakers are discussing a bill to revise the Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Law, which would allow authorities to deport asylum seekers while their applications for refugee status are pending.

    > The bill was passed in the Lower House plenary session on the afternoon of May 9.

  2. Nothing helps your case to be admitted to Japan like committing some crimes.

  3. It must have been an inside job. There’s no way they could have hacked into the servers without physically accessing the floppy drive!

  4. What are immigrants protesting? Not being able to destroy another country?

  5. Someones computer finally called the right number and the modem picked up.

  6. If Japan is so evil and racist, why would you want refugees to come here in the first place? There are 200 countries in the world; if there are countries that are friendlier to refugees why not leave Japan to be Japan and encourage those refugees to go elsewhere?

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