How best to self study a textbook?

I’ve got both volumes of Minna No Nihongo lying around and want to work through them, but I’m kinda afraid of approaching them in an inefficient way. I’ve got the vocab and kanji prepared already, so this is just about learning the grammar and practice reading.

Flashcards have made it so easy to just learn vocab and kanji that I’m kind of spoiled I guess, but I don’t just want to learn grammar via flashcards (otherwise, what’s the point of the textbook then).

I was thinking about just doing one exercise everyday to spread out the repetition and looking up whenever I forget something, but even then I’m unsure how I can efficiently search for the stuff I forgot.

How do you use your textbooks?

  1. I use Genki, but my schedule is looking something like this.

    Day1: Listen to introductory skit, copy the vocab list into my notebook, drill vocab

    Day2: Drill vocab, overview grammar section, take some notes, drill grammar

    Day3: Drill vocab, watch Tokini Andy video on that grammar section, drill grammar

    Day 4: Listen to introductory skit, make sure things are sinking in. Workbook day

    Some of these steps can span two days. My aim is usually to take about 5-7 days on a Lesson. I hope this is helpful.

  2. I’m working through MNN2 right now and so far I’ve been doing an exercise in a notebook, then on a separate notebook I write down what I got wrong and why I got it wrong. In my book I won’t write any answers but mark the problems I got wrong. This way I have the option to retry the problems I got wrong and can review my error notebook on the go as well.

    If you’re worried about practicing reading, MNN has a great reading workbook. You could also consider the free tadoku books (I like to keep track of which ones I read on Learn Natively as they also include links).

    If you want some SRS for grammar, Bunpro (not to be mistaken with Bunpo) has the option to do grammar in the order of the MNN books. Bunpro is great because it’s packed full of example sentences and it makes you type out the answers so it challenges your output.

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