Got injured at a company event. Need advice

Hey all, I had a company sports event before golden week and was injured. The event was covered under their travelers insurance and I also have Shakai Hoken. During the event I sprained my ankle, they had a nurse on standby look at it. She took my name down and sprayed my ankle with some kind of spray and that was it. Since that was all she did I didn’t think it was that bad.

The next day after the event I went to the hospital to get it looked at. Since it was a Sunday, they couldn’t do much for me but take an x ray and CT scan. I then visited again 2 days later to see an orthopedic. He saw my scans and said I have an eversion ankle sprain and it is a complete tear (Grade 3). With this news I have to take off work for 2 weeks and possibly more based on how my 2 week checkup goes.
MY Manager talked to the head office and said a few things that piss me off.
They will only give me about ¥3000 per day of missed work. They want me to fill out the form for the full payment from the government. They said it might not be accepted if it is deemed I can go to work… ( I have a complete tear in my ankle) since they only used the **most basic insurance plan.**
They are still deciding if they will pay for all my medical visits I will have.

From what I’ve seen from other people being injured at work, the company should file the paperwork for missing out on work. Since it was covered under their insurance, they should pay everything out of their pocket.

  1. It sounds like they’re doing everything by the book, other than trying to have you fill out the paperwork.

    You are entitled to the government (actually your shakai hoken provider) payment (2/3 of salary per day from the 4th day, which is tax free), and they’re giving you 3K a day on top of that – which they don’t have to do.

    > They said it might not be accepted if it is deemed I can go to work…

    If your doctor says you can’t work, that won’t be a problem. When I had a tear of my ACL, I was able to work (desk job) but wasn’t able to make the commute, so claims were accepted. This is goernment regulation, and has nothing to do with the insurance plan chosen.

    > They are still deciding if they will pay for all my medical visits I will have.

    Their insurance SHOULD cover this. If not, file a workman’s comp claim, since it was a company event. That WILL cover it.

    Healing time for a grade 3, by the way, is 3 to 6 months, and you’re going to need physio, and MAY need surgery if the ligament needs reconstruction. Sorry for your troubles, dude.

  2. You need to go on “injury and sickness allowance” through your medical insurance provider. It will pay 2/3rds your normal wage. See these insurance provider examples for general information: [Suntory](, [IBM](, [FR]( Again, this is paid through your insurance provider, not your work, though your work may help you apply. I’m assuming that 3,000 yen is on top of that.

  3. Your company is doing the right thing.

    They aren’t meant to pay out of pocket, thats why they have insurance. All companies are required to have insurance for these things.

    You get about 2/3 of your salary paid and the forms/paper work is available online but usually they have the paperwork available at the hospital so you can do it all there. The company isn’t meant to do the paperwork, it’s the employee.


    I’d argue you’d be making more than normal because they are paying you an allowance. (I was under the assumption that you aren’t allowed to be paid to receive it from the government but i could be wrong and this could potentially be counted not as payment so idk)

  4. Sounds like a garbage employer trying to save every yen.

    In this day, and age, they should be shamed into inexistence.

    However, slander & libel laws.

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