Employer asking for a copy of my health check results

I’ve had my health check last month and today one of the office staff asked me to get a copy of the results.
I have no problem giving them the results, just wondering if it’s normal?
Actually my first time I’ve been asked

  1. This is normal. Companies are required by law to provide you with an opportunity to take the health check. They should have also paid for it as well (or you claim the expense with a receipt). They then request your results from you and submit them to the local company doctor. This is standard across companies in Japan.

  2. Some companies do this, or should I say… Still do this.

    Supposedly, your company can put you on probation, or fire you for poor health, or bad bmi that may cause them issues either now, or in the near future.

  3. I always refuse the company stomach Barium exam and chest X-ray. Never had an issue. They can’t force you to do anything. They just have to show they are jumping through the hoops.

  4. I dont think they need the result but the proof you’ve done it. Are you organising it by yourself or is your company taking care of it ? I would not give them the resullt (can be good or bad but it is private).

  5. Just to clarify… are you enrolled in Shakai Hoken? If so then they should get the copy first and they give it to you.

    If you’re not enrolled in Shakai Hoken then chances are you’re not an employee, so you don’t have to give them shit. (Of course I’m aware they might try to treat you as an employee in reality but on paper treat you as a customer contractor)

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