Caught some squid and grilled it with a Japanese style BBQ sauce

Caught some squid and grilled it with a Japanese style BBQ sauce

  1. Luckily was able to catch some squid the other night. Made a marinade with 1/4 cup of light soy, 2 tbsp of brown sugar, 1 tbsp of mirin, small kombu piece, half a garlic, and a quarter of a shallot and some lemon juice. I blended it and marinated it for an hour before grilling.

    Nothing like catching and cooking your own food.

    *I did not blend the kombu, I heated it up the sauce to a light boil then off and removed the kombu and let the sauce cool before blending and marinating.

  2. Nice! This is one of the (many) things I ate in Japan that I loved and that i thought might be a little hard to recreate back in the US. Ppl do technically catch squid where I live I just have never prioritized it haha. Thanks for the inspo.

  3. Oh my, that looks so good 🤤 Someone needs to invent smell-o-vision and taste-o-vision already!!!

  4. Man this looks fucking good. Often times simple preparations is the best.

  5. I’ve only caught squid once in my life….when they are super fresh they are like nothing else!

    looks amazing!

  6. Looks delicious! Where do you go to fish for squid? Nothing like that where I live

  7. Off topic kinda but is there a special way to catch squid? How did you catch them?

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