Honorific question “non”

I was watching the Toriko anime and a segment at the end of an episode had the older lady being called sama (Setsu-sama) to being Setsu-non (per her request).

The other person said that would make them feel like old friends.

I never heard of the “non” honorific and Google has been useless. What’s it mean and how is it used and where?

  1. its not an honorific. basically the name becomes a nickname example: ayano or aya becomes ayanon

  2. Nicknames are a funny one. It’s common to add a character or two to the end of a name or surname to make it a nickname

    E.g. あや>> あやぽん, みき>> みきてぃー, ゆき>> ゆきりん, よこやま >> よこっち, みさほ >> みさぴょん

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